Monday, April 10, 2017

Day 76 Part A

Good morning ppl in the Kingdom of Lot,

Today I am to start my exercise week once again. I decided i will weigh myself today, wednesday and friday. Because of what I ate over the weekend, my starting weight this week is 261.8. Water and burning calories is key, soooo on to exercise which will consists of 2 minute jog for warm up, stretch, 50 jumping jacks, 10 pushups, 45 jumping jacks, 9 pushups, 40 jumping jacks, 8 pushups, etc, and I want to initiate a huge fruit and vegetable non milk based smoothie at 12 noon and one at 8 in the evening with a snack in between, this way I'll get all the nutrients and vitamins I'm supposed to get throughout the day.

Will I be 250 by Friday...I would like this but if not, then at least I would have lost a little more weight than last week. My motivation is not really cosplay. Why you ask??? I decided that if I don't get a car or vehicle of some sort this week, I will not be going to Blerdcon, therefore I'm not getting my hopes up over nothing happening. Sick of this failure. Came so fucking close to getting a ride and it blew up in my face, so my motivation is just being able to wear an XL.

Will this week be perfect, no, it won't, because everyone's schedule in this house interferes with my own. Therefore if there is a day I can't do like I want, I won't be mad, but I will have to substitute a day on the weekend to make up for days lost during the week. Here's to going to war with fuckery this week and coming out on top!!!!

BTW, the smoothie idea came from this vid I saw and I was like OMG, yall are gonna like this!!

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