Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Days 544 to 600...I know

Hey, been a long time, I know, it's ridiculous, but let me explain...

Since last post, basically Halloween, my boyfriend and I have been great, I fell off on weight loss, now back around 245, I have attained my MAT certification, AND today the middle school near my house with the program under the YMCA finally hired me today. Im so fucking excited.

Moving on to games and the holiday, my boyfriend got me a Pandora Charm bracelet, Garnet plushie, KH 358/2 days, and the second installment of Avatar the last Airbender. Spoiled.

I am going to workout tomorrow and post what I've done. Since the internet is acting up, I will stop here and pick up tomorrow. Also, happy holidays, merry Christmas, and happy first day of kwanzaa.