Sunday, March 29, 2020

Days 1041-1060

Hi. It's early in the morning but I have an issue and I need to catch yall up. 

It's currently a pandemic. I know yall know that. Gyms closed, jobs closed, schools closed, except retail and gas places, medical places, and all essential workers. I'm a youth counselor for a 24 hour facility, so that includes me. I took advantage of the virus by apply for a patient transport tech job for the college I want to work at. And taxes are yay. 

Currently in the middle of trying to finish up my thesis part. Just coming to the idea that I don't need to "completely" finish it, but I would like to so I can get complete feedback. Issue is my thesis sounded very ignorant, in my opinion. I know what I want to express but if my colleagues are lost reading it from the very beginning, there's no point in progressing in the rest of the paper. 

So thought I put it here. 

My paper is on homelessness in the united states. My original thesis said that "the country's budget is affected by homelessness because the homeless are not stable and are vulnerable to illness and mental issues." What I mean is that the monies we put up for the homeless are going to the same tactics we use to try and continue our regular means of solving the problem, i.e., temporary sheltering, feeding programs. However, we need an altogether system. A place where they can lay their head, wake up and get help finding a place to work (even if temporary or less than part time), and find a place to live. That is what is needed. 

Therefore my thesis needs to read along the lines of "those who are homeless cannot get out of the cycle of homelessness because they are not stable and are vulnerable to illness and mental issues." My issue is, I need to figure out a way to either throw budgeting in her OR rewrite my outline and just take the 5 pages I have and use it to refill it in. 

The tactics we are currently using are not helping the homeless get out of homelessness quick enough and therefore they remain vulnerable to illness and mental issues. 

I will write some notes down and go back and rewrite some stuff. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk, lol. Yall stay safe, stay clean, and stay inside as much as possible. 

Monday, March 9, 2020

Day 1040


Today I hit 239.7. Quite exciting. Day light savings kinda killed me a bit last night at work but after taking a caffeine pill I should be okay for the night.

I really like that I incorporated the assisted pull up machine. It actually has four parts. So I did 10 assisted dips, 10 bicep pull ups, 5 standard pull ups and 5 wide pull ups. Last time I just used the wide part to do 10, this time I used the standard bar as well. All of this was done on 170lbs. I believe doing it this way will give me a better overall evening in strength and will be better for me in the long run. I realize that it gets hard with the last few reps, but I like this. Once I get comfortable with this, I'll take off 10 lbs. So hopefully in April that's a go. Yay.

Here are some pics. I wanna be accountable and keep this progress going. Also found some vegan stuffs on youtube that I'm excited about. I'll get into them once I go back to eating in about a week. Stay motivated people. This is the way. I have spoken.

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Day 1039


Today I weighed in at 240.7. So tomorrow I'm sure to hit 239. Yay. This fasting has been quite positive. Face is back to normal, I'm happy. Once I hit 228, I feel then I need to give myself about 4 day to reintegrate food. Might do frozen grapes and apples with pb powder to start, that way I'm getting my digestive track back in motion again, the right way, as opposed to just "eating eating" if you catch my meaning.

Although its my off day from gym I did hit my 4000 steps and look at a video my bf sent me about losing weight. Pretty informative. I also started watching The Witcher today, pretty intense stuff lol.

As said yesterday, I would post the pic of what I did yesterday and day before. Here.

With this, I bid you all good rest. Stay motivated. This is the way. I have spoken. Good night!

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Day 1038


So I weighed in at 241.7 today after getting my taxes done (fuck them taxes) and I look forward to more weight loss tomorrow. I also just realized I agreed to staying at work until 1pm...which is great for my paycheck, but I for real don't want to be here, but the way I see it, I can go home, do dishes, sweep and mop, fold clothes, play some ps4 and/or xbox, and slept a good 5 hours before going back to work.

I was gonna post a picture of what I did today, but I don't feel like going through my phone lol. I'll post tomorrow.

Feeling a bit low on energy so hopefully the sparkling water will help since it has b vitamins. Oh yeah, Walmart had sparkling water for 52 cent as opposed to my favorite sparking water for $1. Ha ha.

Well, let me finish my assignment then I can watch the Witcher. Almost finished episode 1 before leaving work, quite interesting first episode. Also looking up pics up smaller people I think I'll look like when I reach 180. Stay motivated. This is the way. I have spoken. Good night.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Days 1035-1037


So I didn't post yesterday, but I started fasting. I was doing too much. Day 1 started me off at 247.9 and for day 2 I'm at 245. Day 3, tomorrow technically I will weigh in but I have to go somewhere after I get off work so it won't be until 1pm or so. If I drink another whole bottle of water before I get home I won't worry about it since my weight will be inaccurate. I might also adopt this approach to weighing every other day as opposed to every day. I can see some people saying it's not healthy, and while I don't REALLY believe it, it should become a natural thing to loosen up since my weight loss should come as a part of a natural transitioning lifestyle.

Meaning, if I'm doing right by my body, I should not have to weight EVERYDAY! With that, I made a slight change to my workout regimen. For Mon/Wed/Fri instead of doing 50 reps on the seated dip machine, I switch to the assisted pull up machine. Today I did 10 assisted wide pull ups, 10 assisted bicep lifts (that's what I'm calling them), and 10 assisted dips, all at 170 lbs. I feel good about this.
I also used a 20lb deadlift bar to do my 50 squats. Pretty decent day at gym. After a few weeks I'll work to modify my yoga cool down stretch.

That's about it. Had fruit pops earlier, flavored water, and sparkling water. The sparkling water is doing me justice. I love it. Zero calories with some vitamins. Find some to see if it helps you out. Looking forward to hitting the 220s, freaking finally. I'm going to aim for fasting until the end of the month...or at minimum at least until I hit 228-220 lbs, we'll see and also create a 800 - 100 calorie meal that will fill me up. So mostly vegetables. This is the way. I have spoken. Good night!

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Days 1032-1034


So new challenge for the month of march. I was able to do completely vegan for the month of January and I'm not doing any travelling for a bit, so I thought, why not do fasting. So yeah, I've been increasing in strength as far as the gym is concerned but not progressing with food, so why not start over. I've clearly done this before and announced to this blog multiple times but I seriously need a reboot and my boyfriend has motivated me with the assassin's creed outfit. Due to the coronavirus in china, where my outfit was coming from, the seller has given him chance to get a refund and just buy it cheaper later, which gives me chance to get down this month. I seriously believe once I hit the 220s i'll be ready to fully commit to doing what im supposed to. Also, I would love to be 100% for life. My face is breaking out and I don't care for gas, so yes, I would love to go back to 100%.

I ot a lot riding on this, including my no-care surgery sister who is losing weight but does not care to join me and our other sister in encouraging each other to be our best selves, so screw her, i'll encourage myself. Here's to weight loss. This is the way. I have spoken.

BTW, if you are kinda blah on the coronavirus, just watch John Oliver's video on youtube. Wash your hands, be mindful of others, and be safe. Good night!