Monday, April 3, 2017

Day 69 Part A

Hello people in the Kingdom of Lot,

I'm starting to like that phrase...anywho, today is the power start of my goal to 248!!!! I got up, did all I was suppose to, exercised, ate lunch, and am about to take my thyroid meds.

So for exercise this is my regimen:
1. 50 jumping jacks
2. walk-jog 10-15 minutes
3. countdown from 6+ for each exercise (push up, squats, leg lifts)

Specifically for the countdown it'll be 6 push ups, 6 squats, 6 leg lifts, 5 push ups, etc, and will increase by one each day until Saturday. So in all, by Friday, I'll start by a count of 10 and work my way down and I'm working on jogging longer. With my S.T.A.R. Labs hoodie, lemon water, tennis shoes, and fitness gloves, I will make it toward 248. Here I come Garnet, Deidara, and Nagisa!!

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