Monday, May 27, 2019

Day 750 and 751

Day 7 Memorial Day eating and Day 8 not complete

So I remembered that it was Memorial Day weekend and decided, again, to eat. I did indeed eat and I'm back on track today. From here on until blerdcon, I will stick to liquid type stuff, including smoothies, ice pops, any ice treats really, and my supplements, and drinks of course, within reason.

Now that this is out the way, I gots to tell yall about this freezing cold at work. It's ridiculous. Luckily, for me, 2 hours later, I found a blanket in the office to cover my legs. I'm satisfied, more awake now that I've comfortable, and can get back to bio bc I refuse to do it at home today...which is really Memorial Day. I wanna jog my half a mile and sleep so that I can watch a movie this afternoon with the boyfriend.

Happy Memorial Day weekend everyone. More later.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Day 749 part 2

Day 6 complete

Looking up meal prep and workouts for after blerdcon. Gonna make a post real soon. Til then.

Day 748 and 749 part 1

Day 5 not completed...Day 6 almost complete

Hi. So fuck yesterday.

I had my day planned until this bitch decided to jump in front of me while driving. I let a person from a parking lot come out in front of me when the light turned green so the person behind me thought they take the risk on their and my life and cut me. Because of that, I missed my damn exit and ended up going home. Threw off my afternoon. Last day for the summer at my other job was pretty decent. Two of the people I don't like called out so it was great for me. Also I cheated yesterday. Hopefully, one time stress cheat.

Today, I planned my a battery for the car key, gave a homeless man some stuff, downloaded some new songs from Amazon for my new workout playlist, got to the gym, did my warmup on the elliptical...and then my sister send this text in all caps to call our mom, and my mom called 5 seconds later about a bad rash she I guess instead of waking my dad who had a vehicle at the house...maybe bc he was tired, idk, I drove to her 20 minutes away.

I'm not mad I got her rash cream, i'm mad because this the 2nd time I haven't finished my workout. I had no motivation to go back to the damn gym, especially when I was to do two other errands I couldn't do across town. I bought stuff from the store I wanted to get, got gas (which is a whole other story) and then came home. I did my 10 dips and 25 pushups and now im in my room eating a popcicle. I'm over this week.

Also, around 5 this morning I woke up since I fell asleep early. I was mad at my boyfriend for not returning my call, messages later in the day, and missing out on movie night. After telling him about my day and very settlely how mad I was, and that I was not gonna fully complain on all the details of why I was mad, he told me what had been going on and also apologized.

...that's all I wanted from him was an im no longer mad at him. hopefully I can talk to him tonight. Well, while i'm still irritated im gonna work on bio and assassins creed. Later.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Day 747

Day 4 complete.

So, I did my work out...halfly today due to my mom's doctor appt, but I did get it in. I also think I had more calories than usual but I think i'm still fine in that aspect.

I decided on doing Stevonnie for Galaxycon and will pay for my ticket tomorrow. I also plan to make cookie cat cookies. If you not familiar with this, just watch the very first episode of season 1 of Steven Universe. If you have done that and STILL not familiar with who Stevonnie is, just look up Stevonnie first episode. If you come to the part where it says "you are an experience" it's the right episode.

Moving on, I completed bio for the evening. Also moving on, I did a braid out that was pretty nice. Decided to do some smaller braids on my hair and just finished about 10 minutes ago. Also also, I finished Dragon Ball Z and am now on Dragon ball pretty proud of myself.

The only thing irritating is the fact my boyfriend didn't call me. Was about to get mad about it being his turn, but I think it's my turn to choose the movie or whatever we watch. However, I called earlier and I know he seen my messenger so since I know he seen it and hasn't responded AND I have this hour training in the morning, after some youtube vids, i'm going straight to bed. Not even saying good night. Yes, Im that irritated.

Wanted to make this a short blog, but my apologies. Found cute dresses to keep me motivated...okay now im done. Stay motivated, work out, and get some rest, good night!!

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Day 746

Day 3 complete

So I went to the dentist today and found out that I need 5 teeth extracted...calm down...

While I do have a good percentage of cavaties from not flossing, 4 of the teeth are simply my wisdom teeth, and one is a bicuspid with cavities in between the overall, im happy. As long as a do my 6 month check ups, continue brushing a few times a day as I've been doing, and just add in flossing, I'm good to go.

I slept from 3pm to about 8...I think. Meaning I slept the whole afternoon away...but it is what it is lol. I have been studying bio on my own and it's been pretty eye opening understanding at my own pace per say. I'm happy with it. Hope to defeat the CLEP test in a month's time and then start nursing after bio 141. We shall see. Also, did 10 squats and completed I think 7000 steps. Missed out on jogging.

Today, I believe, I will be under 250 by the end of the month. If I am, I'll be getting my con stuff. Also, for anyone in Richmond, Virginia, Galaxycon is next week and I am DEFINITELY tryna go in the dbz stretch shirt my boyfriend bought me AND see if I can go as Bulma or some other character. We shall see.

Well, while my boyfriend is on the phone, gonna go ahead. Not too much longer before bed lol. Stay motivated, get some rest, and stay positive. Good night!

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Day 745

Day 2 complete

I will say I had more calories than yesterday, but it's okay, bc it's still falls under the liquid terms. I went to the gym earlier and had to redo my workout bc my arms almost gave out from the lats machine. So here is the workout:

warm up: 50 calories on elliptical
stretch 5 minutes
10 dips
Bicep curl to shoulder press
20lb 5 reps, 15lb 10 reps, 10lb 15 reps, 5lb 20 reps
Lats front pull and back pull
50lbs and 42.5lbs, 5 reps front pull and back pull
35lb and 27.5lb, 10 reps front pull and back pull
2 sets 8 rep ab rotations with ball
2 sets 8 rep ab rotational chops to the left and right with ball
2 sets 8 reps sit up with weight with ball
*first set heavy ball, second set lighter ball
max push up +'s total was 23

And that is all folks. Stay motivated, listen to some lo fi music and some old 80s jams (currently listening to 1982 album Love Trip by Takako Mamiya), and good night!

Monday, May 20, 2019

Days 730-744

Day 1 is done

Allow me to explain.

So I figured since my face is breaking out and it's getting close to blerdcon, I would not strictly water this time, but just liquids. I do have this eggnog frozen pop im about to eat since I left it at work, but I work out in the morning so it's fine. And in case you're wondering, i'm also getting in liquid protein and natural fruit juices. Been drinking citrus water using oranges and lemons and so far so good.

I plan to meet my goal, well not 180, but hopefully 199.99 by the day or Saturday of blerdcon. After I reach a certain weight, i'll go into a more hardcore weight training, but until then, I just need to complete this. Jogged half a mile today and gym is tomorrow. Until morrow kingdom of lot, stay motivated. Good night!

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Days 701-729

Hello Kingdom of Lot.

So this entire month I put into perspective what I want by the time blerdcon gets here.

-be less than 200 pounds...period
-be able to do 30 push ups in one sitting...period
-be able to do 2 pulls ups

Also, in accordance with my weight goal of under 200 by blerdcon, something else that I been meaning to talk about is sex. Now I know I haven't REALLY delved into this because...yeah, but this is my blog and I feel I should be safe to talk about this.

To sum it up, because I'll talk more on it later, my main thing growing up was that for religious reasons, among other things, I would not have sex til I was married. When I became "woke" (I'll explain later) and found out about stuff that was not true and discovered a list of other things for myself, I still held onto not having sex til marriage due to catching diseases and getting pregnant...still reasonable right? But then I realized, I'm heading toward my 30s and nothing is really holding me back except getting birth control and condoms, so I have picked a time limit for this, BUT one thing I could not change was my weight goal for it. I HAVE to be 199.99 before this. Might sound weird, but that's what I want, even if "he" doesn't really care about it because he loves me. And ppl should love each other regardless of things, but I want to be near my goal for me, not him.

So with that, I was also ashamed for not sticking to goals, it's hard, but I feel I have found a new solution by changing my eating again. This time, more salads. Until later, love you guys, and keep motivating yourself. I'll put up my workout in a week or so.