Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Days 886-902 part A

Hello everyone.

I am ashamed of myself again, but before making this post, I did rethink how I want to go about those 6 pack abs I wanted to work toward.

To start off, I fell off around bday, and even though I got some exercise and steps in, I was not showing the determination I did at first the end of Sept. Yesterday I told myself that enough is enough. I can't fail anymore. I need to fast. No pills, side snack, just fast. in about a few hours I would have been fasting for a full 24 hrs on just water. my digestive track is definitely cleaned out and besides being tired from working overnight, I feel great.

I have a con to go to in about 10 days. As farfetched as it may be for some of you, I wanted to lose 15 lbs. and get to 225. I'll be happy at 230, but at least at 225, i'll only be 45 away from my overall goal. I'm also ready to implement some raw foods for dieting (lifestyle) and back to my veggie burgers.

I think also, the fact my bf likes how I look, kinda twisted me up a bit. And I know that significant others see you differently anyway. They suppose to. They are your soul mates and see past the physical for the real you, but I still wanted to hit a weight goal by j1 for me and I blew it. However, all is not lost, I still have hope to enjoy myself AND hit overall goal by December.

As for working out, I somehow this last week injured my upper left arm. Can't lift it a certain way. For the time being until I implement something different, it'll be 60 squats, 60 leg lifts, and jog warm ups every other day from Sunday, and 60 push ups, 60 floor dumbell rows, and jumping jack warm ups every other day from Monday. Saturday will be a nap day. I'll end with yoga as usual. I feel I can't eff this up with this less many exercises, and I still want to work toward those abs. Post soon.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Days 875-885


I'm just going to kick right off and say that this weekend was an adventure. My family and friends and boyfriend threw a surprise birthday party for me and it was awesome. A lot definitely went into it and I am grateful. 

I am 30 years old.

Along with this me and my boyfriend discussed future stuff, went to see Joker, and just had a blast. I can't wait til we are living together. 

On the note of Joker, if you have not seen it and you are into mental health, go see it. Even if you are not into comic books or DC in general, go see that shizz, because it made me sad, it made me uncomfortable, and it was brilliant. 

As far as my weight goes, I been enjoying birthday time, so i'm probably gonna just put out to reach a goal of 220 by J1con, which is November 1st. Gonna fast for 3 days with coconut outshine, then stick to yogurt and apples and sweet potatoes. Also trying to clear my skin. I also think I need to revamp my "6 month journey to abs" and just stick with no weight in the exercises for the rest of the month and then pick up on regular schedule November 1st. 

Til morrow, which I deem lower body day, regardless of schedule, eat, train, sleep.