Saturday, January 28, 2017

Day 5 Part A

Good morning,

So it will definitely be a "better" day than I had yesterday. Yesterday consisted of late walk, mom took sleepy meds so i was stuck watching my nephew while waiting for my sister one in a half hour class to end which resulted in me eating out (healthy chicken wrap), not being able to buy the microfiber mat I wanted, forgot to make an appt with doctor for thyroid meds, left water bottles in car after panicking about not having the yarn to tie in my hair, which I believed fell out my pocket, only to find it later in the same pocket after leaving the hospital from visiting godfamily. Very bad day...

...On to today, I had my Shakeology shake with milk and cap of acai, folded all my clothes, and charging my phone while it's playing kingdom hearts songs. After I take my walk/job, I'll finally be able to go out and pass out nic nacs to the homeless. I haven't been able to in a few weeks due to less funds. Since I was able to get sweets from a church yesterday, I can pass out probably 30 or more wrapped pieces. Also today, for my workout, I will incorporate 20 squats, and increase to 20 jumping jacks, and do my walk/run as usual. Then I get a bottle of water and go out.

**Last night after coming from the hospital, I decided to stop by 7-11 and get me a chicken wrap and plain lays chips. I ate a third of the chips. I then drunk a bottle of water and waited 2 hours before heading to sleep since it wouldn't be on my stomach. I believe I did good with this. Gonna eat some baked fish today, and post about it afterwards.

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