Thursday, August 13, 2020

Days 1189 to 1197

Hi. So, I got my life back together, for the most part. 

Today I weighed in at 265.6, meaning PICTURE!!!!

I will post my updated workout regimen later. Stay strong, stay motivated, and here's to my body becoming a fucking machine, and to me hopefully passing the HESI test. 

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Day 1188

Hi. Still trying to get the hang of this new blogger thing. I wanna lay back down for half an hour before work so just know I'm at 270.9, so I took a pic today and it overall went well today. This I had two egg and cheese bagels made by my coworker and bread seems quite fulfilling to me, so gonna have it again tomorrow with maybe oatmeal or yogurt. Anywho, more on it tomorrow and how great it's going with HESI practice. Here's to becoming a monster machine of a body. 

Monday, August 3, 2020

Days 1184-1187


So apparently the interface of blogger has corrected the time and so if I post late, it's actually not the next day, so this threw me off lol. I used to have to 3am my time to write for the previous day, but now at midnight, it changes, who knew. 

Anywho. At 272. In the morning hope to be at 271. I'll just post my notes here and be on my way. I redid my workout and will post on it tomorrow. Here's to having my body be a fucking machine!! Be safe, wear your mask, shower or take a bath everyday, and get some rest. Good night!!

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Days 1104-1183

Hi, been a majority of the summer. Not gonna sugar coat this, COVID fucked up my whole year. I was going to the gym, hit the 230s, was so close to hitting some small goals, and boom, gyms closed and the kids I work with got covid, so a lot of the place where I work was switched the end, I got back to 275.3, but here we are. 

Today is day 1. I went to the gym and ate correct using intermittent fasting and I'll be posting pics every 10 pounds lost. Wanna stick to wraps, oatmeal and yogurt, and tofu for my wraps. 

Just know, I have cried and panicked and suffered, known people to die from covid, can't plan life in advance and so we all have to take everything 1 day at a time until people can get their shit together so we can get rid of the virus. Please wear masks, social distance, stay hydrated, and make goals, because that's the only thing keeping me sane...that and my family and awesome boyfriend. Get rest. 

Monday, May 11, 2020

1082 - 1103


So, covid and going to the Hello Kitty Truck messed me up. Simply put, I had to work hard to get the motivation to get it together and I finally exercised today.

Walk and quick jog: about 3 minutes

Squats 30

Leg Lifts 30

Glute Kicks 30 per leg

After workout meal: 2 bananas, 1 scoop super greens, 1/2 bottle water, 1/2 cup almond milk

I know I probably weigh 255+ so I'll add weight tomorrow. Goal is to maintain and I'll buy 15 kettlebells tomorrow. Here's to hoping for the best.

My goals:

240 do art
230 exercise bras and underwear and socks
220 miles morales, mando, buy stuff for bf birthday (which I'll explain later)
210 present pics, start cutting (food wise)
200 bumblebee
190 goku (shh, don't tell nobody)
180 hawkgirl

hope these keep me grounded for the next 30 days, bc its about to be brutal for this summer body

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Days 1077 - 1081


Been not doing what I'm supposed to for the last 2 days, but decided to work out today and so far so good. My biggest issue of course is food and I started wondering about the prospects of surgery. I don't want surgery, so if I can't get it together by summer, that may be an option. I really just need to get to 210 and I'll be set, but I've been having issues. Even right now I'm about to eat a cheese stick, but did bring my coconut popcicles, 3 water bottle, ginger boost drink, and 2 fruit cups, so I won't be having junk.

Other than this, I have an A in my class, I start bio next month, and I am good on that note. Looking into seeing if I can do Phlebotomy next year if corona is still taking over.

Gonna watch Black Lightening tonight. Please stay safe. If you so bored that you want to get out the house, find a temporary essential job so you can help others. This is the way. I have spoken. GN!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Day 1076


You know it's been like 3 years and I believe I need to update this damn thing. I'll work on that later. I weighed in at 244.8,  so now I can go back to using my glass jars to count the amount of weight I'm losing to hit 180. My goal is to now start back on cosplay stuff at 220 lbs and start cutting at the same time.

Watched Onward and Frozen II yesterday, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND!! Watch with family or buddies, they are good.

Between work pay and stimulus check I'll be buying that stuff from Amazon, popsicles from Kroger, and 2-3 backs of blue-lavender hair. After this week I will not be buying from Asian hair stores. As I stated earlier, I know not all Asians are racist. However, how the people have treated the Africans this past month has been disgusting and I want no part in that. I will do my best to order from African based hair places.

Speaking of doing positive things, I'll be giving masks to some people at my job. I'll probably put aside 8 for work. That leaves 2 for my friend's bday, 2 for me, and the rest to split between random homeless persons and my family members in the house (or whoever come in).

Been doing great on ASL, Spanish, and Japanese. Feeling happy on those. Bio next month will be lit. And of course the real fun begins at 220 lbs. Shopping at 200 lbs and again at 180. This is the way. I have spoken. Be safe, stay hydrated, protect yourself, and find something to pass the time. Good night!

Monday, April 13, 2020

Days 1074-1075


Today I'm at 246.8. I'm fasting til im 228, then ima start cutting via vegan eating. I also did my mini workout. I forgot to mention last time I got a second job as a PRN direct care specialist. Bout to do a lot of manga reading and audio listening this week once I'm off. Gonna try and finish up kingdom hearts 3 dlc and kingdom hearts 358/2 days. Want to finish sekirou and Spiderman and start The world ends with you. Started a corona series where i'll be doing a poem and sudoku puzzle everyday and reading the poem on my social media for positivity of the day. Gonna start bio 141 so that I can apply for nursing in 2 months. Gonna order 1 last time from amazon for a while. Gonna order a book called Children of blood and bone by Tomi Adeyemi, bc I've been wanting it for a while. Gonna order almond oil for my hair so that the house can use my olive oil for cooking, which will save us from going out to get it. Lastly, and most importantly, buying about 16 cute cat face masks. I am debating buying an extra 16 and sending a few off as donations, but we shall see. I definitely can't do more than what I'm really doing now as an essential worker (Youth counselor) but I know someone will appreciate these masks if I do get extra.

That was a lot I know. But it's what I'm doing to keep myself sane during this pandemic. So, short term goal is to watch Frozen II tonight and possibly Onward. Watch Jon Solo on youtube. Long term goal, continue on Duolingo to perfect Spanish and Japanese, and watch Dr. Vicar on youtube for ASL. It is a lot. But, I'm being optimistic. Bc even though 2020 did a curve like a garbage can slipping in the rain, I'm still going to get the most out of being 30 years old and being that chick with the awesome background. So, I encourage you to find something to keep you not only motivated, but engaged and empowered. This is the way. I have spoken. Be safe and get some rest!!

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Days 1061-1073


So Corona has really been hitting hard around the world. As of recent, I've been irritated every day for something or other and a few days ago, I realized around 5pm that I would have been at the gym at that particular time. So, with some motivation from the exercise cosplay facebook group I'm on, I revamped space in my room to workout. I'll post pics below, you'll love it.

Today I also had no meat, and kept using liquids. I'm excited. I also got hired prn for another job, so so far so good. I also registered for bio 141, meaning after this class, I can apply for  nursing. YAY!

Gonna do some DS tonight at work and watch Black Lightening. Keep clean and stay safe. This is the way. I have spoken. Good night!!

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Days 1041-1060

Hi. It's early in the morning but I have an issue and I need to catch yall up. 

It's currently a pandemic. I know yall know that. Gyms closed, jobs closed, schools closed, except retail and gas places, medical places, and all essential workers. I'm a youth counselor for a 24 hour facility, so that includes me. I took advantage of the virus by apply for a patient transport tech job for the college I want to work at. And taxes are yay. 

Currently in the middle of trying to finish up my thesis part. Just coming to the idea that I don't need to "completely" finish it, but I would like to so I can get complete feedback. Issue is my thesis sounded very ignorant, in my opinion. I know what I want to express but if my colleagues are lost reading it from the very beginning, there's no point in progressing in the rest of the paper. 

So thought I put it here. 

My paper is on homelessness in the united states. My original thesis said that "the country's budget is affected by homelessness because the homeless are not stable and are vulnerable to illness and mental issues." What I mean is that the monies we put up for the homeless are going to the same tactics we use to try and continue our regular means of solving the problem, i.e., temporary sheltering, feeding programs. However, we need an altogether system. A place where they can lay their head, wake up and get help finding a place to work (even if temporary or less than part time), and find a place to live. That is what is needed. 

Therefore my thesis needs to read along the lines of "those who are homeless cannot get out of the cycle of homelessness because they are not stable and are vulnerable to illness and mental issues." My issue is, I need to figure out a way to either throw budgeting in her OR rewrite my outline and just take the 5 pages I have and use it to refill it in. 

The tactics we are currently using are not helping the homeless get out of homelessness quick enough and therefore they remain vulnerable to illness and mental issues. 

I will write some notes down and go back and rewrite some stuff. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk, lol. Yall stay safe, stay clean, and stay inside as much as possible. 

Monday, March 9, 2020

Day 1040


Today I hit 239.7. Quite exciting. Day light savings kinda killed me a bit last night at work but after taking a caffeine pill I should be okay for the night.

I really like that I incorporated the assisted pull up machine. It actually has four parts. So I did 10 assisted dips, 10 bicep pull ups, 5 standard pull ups and 5 wide pull ups. Last time I just used the wide part to do 10, this time I used the standard bar as well. All of this was done on 170lbs. I believe doing it this way will give me a better overall evening in strength and will be better for me in the long run. I realize that it gets hard with the last few reps, but I like this. Once I get comfortable with this, I'll take off 10 lbs. So hopefully in April that's a go. Yay.

Here are some pics. I wanna be accountable and keep this progress going. Also found some vegan stuffs on youtube that I'm excited about. I'll get into them once I go back to eating in about a week. Stay motivated people. This is the way. I have spoken.

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Day 1039


Today I weighed in at 240.7. So tomorrow I'm sure to hit 239. Yay. This fasting has been quite positive. Face is back to normal, I'm happy. Once I hit 228, I feel then I need to give myself about 4 day to reintegrate food. Might do frozen grapes and apples with pb powder to start, that way I'm getting my digestive track back in motion again, the right way, as opposed to just "eating eating" if you catch my meaning.

Although its my off day from gym I did hit my 4000 steps and look at a video my bf sent me about losing weight. Pretty informative. I also started watching The Witcher today, pretty intense stuff lol.

As said yesterday, I would post the pic of what I did yesterday and day before. Here.

With this, I bid you all good rest. Stay motivated. This is the way. I have spoken. Good night!

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Day 1038


So I weighed in at 241.7 today after getting my taxes done (fuck them taxes) and I look forward to more weight loss tomorrow. I also just realized I agreed to staying at work until 1pm...which is great for my paycheck, but I for real don't want to be here, but the way I see it, I can go home, do dishes, sweep and mop, fold clothes, play some ps4 and/or xbox, and slept a good 5 hours before going back to work.

I was gonna post a picture of what I did today, but I don't feel like going through my phone lol. I'll post tomorrow.

Feeling a bit low on energy so hopefully the sparkling water will help since it has b vitamins. Oh yeah, Walmart had sparkling water for 52 cent as opposed to my favorite sparking water for $1. Ha ha.

Well, let me finish my assignment then I can watch the Witcher. Almost finished episode 1 before leaving work, quite interesting first episode. Also looking up pics up smaller people I think I'll look like when I reach 180. Stay motivated. This is the way. I have spoken. Good night.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Days 1035-1037


So I didn't post yesterday, but I started fasting. I was doing too much. Day 1 started me off at 247.9 and for day 2 I'm at 245. Day 3, tomorrow technically I will weigh in but I have to go somewhere after I get off work so it won't be until 1pm or so. If I drink another whole bottle of water before I get home I won't worry about it since my weight will be inaccurate. I might also adopt this approach to weighing every other day as opposed to every day. I can see some people saying it's not healthy, and while I don't REALLY believe it, it should become a natural thing to loosen up since my weight loss should come as a part of a natural transitioning lifestyle.

Meaning, if I'm doing right by my body, I should not have to weight EVERYDAY! With that, I made a slight change to my workout regimen. For Mon/Wed/Fri instead of doing 50 reps on the seated dip machine, I switch to the assisted pull up machine. Today I did 10 assisted wide pull ups, 10 assisted bicep lifts (that's what I'm calling them), and 10 assisted dips, all at 170 lbs. I feel good about this.
I also used a 20lb deadlift bar to do my 50 squats. Pretty decent day at gym. After a few weeks I'll work to modify my yoga cool down stretch.

That's about it. Had fruit pops earlier, flavored water, and sparkling water. The sparkling water is doing me justice. I love it. Zero calories with some vitamins. Find some to see if it helps you out. Looking forward to hitting the 220s, freaking finally. I'm going to aim for fasting until the end of the month...or at minimum at least until I hit 228-220 lbs, we'll see and also create a 800 - 100 calorie meal that will fill me up. So mostly vegetables. This is the way. I have spoken. Good night!

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Days 1032-1034


So new challenge for the month of march. I was able to do completely vegan for the month of January and I'm not doing any travelling for a bit, so I thought, why not do fasting. So yeah, I've been increasing in strength as far as the gym is concerned but not progressing with food, so why not start over. I've clearly done this before and announced to this blog multiple times but I seriously need a reboot and my boyfriend has motivated me with the assassin's creed outfit. Due to the coronavirus in china, where my outfit was coming from, the seller has given him chance to get a refund and just buy it cheaper later, which gives me chance to get down this month. I seriously believe once I hit the 220s i'll be ready to fully commit to doing what im supposed to. Also, I would love to be 100% for life. My face is breaking out and I don't care for gas, so yes, I would love to go back to 100%.

I ot a lot riding on this, including my no-care surgery sister who is losing weight but does not care to join me and our other sister in encouraging each other to be our best selves, so screw her, i'll encourage myself. Here's to weight loss. This is the way. I have spoken.

BTW, if you are kinda blah on the coronavirus, just watch John Oliver's video on youtube. Wash your hands, be mindful of others, and be safe. Good night!

Saturday, February 29, 2020

Day 1031


Today I was able to reach 60lbs on deadlift and go for 10 reps. Quite exciting. And I biked for an estimated 2 minutes and my Samsung health app says I burned 28 estimated calories. Gonna research calorie burning on bikes, because if that's the case, i'll put more inferences on bike riding burning that many calories.

My calorie count was at about 1200 and im about to have 20 calorie seaweed, which was finally stocked at the DOLLAR TREE!!

Finished homework for the week and will start next week's assignments tomorrow night...possibly. Gonna aim for watching Treasure Planet, because I never watched it and am in love with homie since he is in a lot of amvs, Arrow, and watch some Jon Solo. If you haven't watched Jon Solo, you are missing ouuuuuuuut!! He's on youtube, tell him I sent you (name is animegirl17, i'm a subscriber lol).

I hope to be 244 point something tomorrow and then I know i'll be on track to do what im supposed to do. As I said, i'm doing wonders in the gym and progressing in body strength, just need to work on food habits. Working on it.

Well, time to get off. Stay motivated. This is the way. I have spoken.

Friday, February 28, 2020

Days 1027-1030


I don't feel like going over...everything. Just know that I still have an A in my class, I'm progressing in working out and getting stronger even if I fail on the food side, I'm broke and hope my bank account says otherwise tomorrow, I may or may not be going to Galaxycon bc of said brokenness and not meeting my 230lbs goal for miles morales, and today was a partially shitty day.

Boyfriend is also not coming because of his own brokenness, so that's another thing.

Yeah I'm done for now. I'm going to get ready for bed in the next hour. My workout was great, but I had an estimated deficit of 150 calories, so yeah. Hoping for the best tomorrow. Trying to keep a goal of buying stuffs on wish. Stay motivated. This is the way. I have spoken.

Monday, February 24, 2020

Days 1024-1026


Today, along with the last few days of my period have had me feeling like meh, sluggish, and of course, blah. Today however, I decided to not go to the gym and do all but one of my exercises at home. I did my walk for my warm up, my push ups, squats with 10lb kettlebell, and dips on my front porch steps. Greatest accomplishment, doing 30 push ups straight in 27 seconds without fatiguing, YEEEEEEAH BOOOOI!!!! I was so excited and proud of myself. I also weighed in today at 245.4.

Also, looked up motivation posts on tumblr, such a great idea if you EVAAAAR need the motivation.

As I am wide awake due to caffeine pills in the brain, but feeling quite sluggish in the body due to menstrual cycle, sleep meds, and possibly the potato wedges I just had, I need to see what homework I have tonight. Keep being motivated. This is the way. I have spoken.

Friday, February 21, 2020

Day 1022-1023

So at this moment I'm listening to my boyfriend babble on about his vehicle and his bills and stuff and after I asked about what he didn't get a cheaper vehicle, he says let me finish talking because I'm getting a headache, getting short and yelling in me in the process...and I get it, I get it, but that just irritates me and literally hurts my feelings. I listened, still listening to him talk while I'm doing this blog but I'm also not listening.

I don't know, I'm just ready for to knock off goals so I can get the ball rolling on my life.

Ugh, hit 246 and made pre made vegan alfredo food. Bad thing I've been doing is eating a piece here and there..but as long as I make under 246.4 i'll be satisfied...that's how much I actually weighed today.

So he finished talking and just apologized. I'm still irritated. Maybe my ass rambles too much. I don't know, I love the man and that's why I take the time to think my stuff through but I do get irritated.

Speaking of irritated, let me say what the fuck happened at the gym. In the parking lot I got out and forgot my phone arm band. Went to the passenger side to get it and knocked over someone's milk product drink and it got on my right leg and right foot. Now, it's fucking 30 something degrees. I was sooo pissed, I sat down inside the gym for 10 minutes to let them dry and then I went on to do my workout.

I'm really done for the night so I'm going to bed. Hopefully I do better tomorrow and do this damn homework assignment I don't want to do. Good night. PLEASE find some motivation. That is the way. I can't stress that enough. I have spoken. Good night!

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Day 1021


So, I'm pretty tired but had quite the day. Let me tell you...

Finally free from work for a few days and my coworker agreed to switch with me for when my boyfriend comes down at the end of the month, cool. I went to planned parenthood and had blood taken to test my thyroid, which I'll find out about in a week or less. I ate my one meal which filled me up and I was able to add some of my mom's pasta and veggie sauce mix she made for me and my dad to my already premade meal, cool. My cousin got me more beans and got me vegan chocolate cookies, OMG more on them later. Took an awesome nap! Exercised. And I weight 248. So 5 lbs down.

I'm also going to wash my hair and do jumbo lavender, blue, and green braids tomorrow after my sister trims my hair. Got 2 assignments then free for the week. Also, loss my train of yeah.

If I remember...oh yeah, wrote down what I want to cosplay come blerdcon and j1con. My main goals for the year besides nursing school and stuff. For blerdcon sailor reeses and yahiko. For j1, my long term cosplays: Fu, Major Kusanagi, and ling xiaoyu.

That's pretty much it. Gonna work on the Mandalorian soon and probably add that to the mix for blerdcon. As it's hot, probably won't have it on too long. Also, keeping up with motivation looking at pics online and my youngest sister is surpassing in weight loss, so gotta keep up. This is the way. I have spoken.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Day 1020


So my chest has been acting funny since last night so I decided to nip it in the bud by taking Dayquil and by drinking onion tea. Yes, we are back to that again. Also got some water and apple juice for overnight at work.

Tomorrow I have a doctor appt to get my thyroid checked, which is nice considering Planned Parenthood can do it tomorrow but my doctor can't until yeah.

Went to gym today, and did well on the treadmill. Wickedy wooooooah!!!! I was sweating and happy. I went from 253 to 250. I need to maintain myself because my younger sister is already at freaking 240 from her surgery so I'm trying to get it together lol. In time, I know I'll get there.

Planked at 40 seconds today, which was nice. So I'll keep that as my standard from now on. You know, at the gym I realized I had on the wrong damn shoes, but I worked out anyway and promise to soak my feet before my nap at home. I ate the same stuff today but know to watch it if I want to shred fat.

**Fun note: my coworker just made me aware that the children I work with took the tea bags from the box I bought, tore out bible pages, and rolled them some fake "joints" to act like they were smoking. I'm done for today. This is NOT the way.

Back to main note, going to be looking up some motivation stuff on tumblr and keep consistency in mind, not a date to make weight loss, but consistency in what I'm doing. This IS the way. I have spoken. If you want to know my regimen it's on Day 1019 post. Good night!

Monday, February 17, 2020

Days 1006-1019


So, there'a a lot I'd like to talk about but as I'm figuring out one 1/2 of my life for the future, at the moment I restarted veganism.

First, went to katsu, it was okay, I was not proud of my cosplays because lets be honest, they failed, but my yahiko (been calling him nagato all this time by accident) got a wig on sunday via my boyfriend, so i'll be using it for the summer. Also, not going to galaxycon to save on vacay hours.

To the positive stuff, since my boyfriend said he wanted to give up bread for the next five months leading up to blerdcon, I decided to go back to veganism and maintain it from Feb 17 to April 17. Also, my regimen has changed as well. I'll post a picture below. Today I did, of course, Monday's workout, ate vegetables, veggie sausage, and pasta sauce cooked with quinoa and garden crackers. Tasted good. I also bought other vegan products which should last the rest of the month. Meanwhile, I'll be working on my Mandalorian cosplay.

Need to do homework. This is the way. I have spoken.

Monday, February 3, 2020

Days 1003-1005


So, this post will be a bit all over the place. I don't feel great. Not great stuff at work. I'm over the non vegan days. my stomach feels gassy, even though my intestines feel great. My teeth feel like crap so I guess I really need to get my disintegrated wisdom teeth out. I need to go to the gym for upper body day...which I might not do. And lastly, I need to do a draft of my proposal for class tonight.

Afterwards I can watch the rest of Infinite Crisis. OMG, it has all of them. YAAAY. I would love to splurge on about how I felt today watching at home, but I just want to get this over with and be done with this night shift. Might even sleep in the middle of the night in the office if not hyped on caffeine.

Nothing to report for stats. These last two days of allowing myself non-vegan stuffs was kinda blah. I might get something from work in a minute but afterwards I'll be fasting til katsucon. I am not with the non-vegan like talking about. I just want to rest. To everyone, please get some rest and take care of yourselves. This is the way. I have spoken. Good night!!

Friday, January 31, 2020

Days 1000-1002


So...I'll try to go in order. I fasted for a few days to get the gas issue out my system. I had a headache yesterday so I skipped gym and broke my fast. I'm at 243, so that's good. I finished my homework for the week and my new meal is pretty tasty. I'm also excited to be adding weight next week. Strength!!

Fast forward to today. I'm currently at work (took an extra shift, more money right) and ran, again, into this dumpster fire garbage that is the thought process of my kids. Long story short, had to postpone this blog because 2 of them decided to want to sleep outside. So fast forwarding, got them inside, and yeah...I'll just leave it at that. I can't wait until nursing is dun!!!

Looking forward to paycheck. AND, looking forward to my new project for 28 days of black cosplay. I'll go into detail later.

Weight: 243
Meal: Vegan Stir Fry--> jackfruit, chickpeas, veggies, potatoes, bbq, wing hot sauce, and seasonings
with a side of apples and lays chips

Exercise: lower body/leg day, mountain climbers, jogged 3 minutes, biked, elliptical, squats, high knees, jump rope, and leg machines

Oh, by the way, COMPLETED 30 DAYS OF VEGANISM!!!!! Boom. I do believe that, while I was able to not have an issue with ignoring stuff with meat and by products, I would like to eat eggs and cheese. Okay, I can figure out around the cheese, but would like eggs every once in a while. I figure that for the Superbowl I might do some type of meat, however, I don't feel pressed because I like the vegan stir fry I made so much, so that's that, HOWEVER, for katsucon I might eat meat if I can't figure out a vegan restaurant nearby...but we'll see. Well, gonna keep my motivation going. This is the way. I have spoken. Good night!!

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Day 999


Funny how day 999 is my day 1 of a completed fast. But anywho. I am happy right now. I drank almond milk with my Purely Inspired Organic Greens before and after working out, I've had all of my aloe juice from last night and am currently drinking water mixed with a bit of orange juice.

My day went pretty well. Had some stuff happen today that was not okay, but overall, I had a decent day. Awesome thing, I switched my gym time to morning so I could sleep more. Laid down from 6 to 10, didn't sleep all the way thru but it was MY 4 hours, so i'm happy about that. The gym was pretty good as well.

Steps: over 5000

Fasting: day 1 done

Exercise: leg lifts, leg curls, squats, bicycle, elliptical, seated leg raises, calf raise on machine, yoga stretching, leg pushes, back presses

It's pretty chill at work right now, so ima start my homework and then watch BATWOMEN!!! Shizz has gotten real on that show, but more on that later. Also, gas is now controlled. So happy about that. After this 7 days, if I feel up for a few more, I might do more. But as of now, I plan to do intermittent fasting which would include oatmeal with fruit and a salad with veggies, probably mixed bbq. Also been looking at the body I want. Got to stay motivated. This is the way. I have spoken. Get some rest.

Monday, January 27, 2020

days 995-998


So I'm done with disappointing myself. At this point I'm going on a 7 day fast challenge. I would like to be able to just reach my damn goal and I know I'm better than this. Let's back up first...

Veganism? No a problem. 

Liquids? Not a problem (also getting in apple cider vinegar)

Exercising? Not a problem. I've gotten stronger and added weight today. Going awesome!

Eating? My main issue. Which means my weight is not going down.

So starting today i'll be fast for a week and I'll weight myself in 2 days I guess. I know it's not great but I just can't stand it anymore. 7 days then intermittent fasting until I reach 220 lbs. This is getting ridiculous and I can't do this anymore, plus, to be honest, I'm sick of this gas bit, so once I go back to meals I'll be cutting the bean intake in half and adding more fruits and veggies. I LOVE beans but the gas is bothering me everyday now. You also have bad gas if you eat too much. 

So, with that all said, here's to flushing myself out and hopefully never seeing the 240s again and I think once I hit 220, I'll use my 2 free talks with the personal trainer at the gym. I need some guidance early unfortunately. Very sorry guys, I know I'm suppose to be learning along the way but I'm also trying to set an example. But I'm not perfect and I'm sick of this. Here's to me getting it together, because as I've said multiple times, this is the way. I have spoken. Please get some rest!!

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Day 994


Currently in Kingdom Hearts 3 mode. About to do the DLC.

I ate kinda twice this afternoon. However, I was able to follow thru with what I set out. I had a bottle of water with a cap of apple cider vinegar. I ate a spoon or two of my bbq bean mix before going to the gym. Since it's liquid like, I knew it hit my system quicker than the banana or apple (I will start using apples as well as my bananas for workout food). I did some extra machines for upper body and felt pretty good. I look forward to upping the weight.

Weight: 250 (yeah)
Steps: over 5000
Exercise: A lot of machines I don't remember, did do 25 pushups, 20 dips, and yeah
Lunch: 2 servings of bean mix, had 2 servings of spinach and lettuce mix, 2 servings of crackers, and 2 servings of oreos...maybe more (did you know oreos are vegan and made with soy instead of milk?)
After workout: 1/2 med cup serving of purely inspired organic greens in almond milk and water

As I said, in Kingdom Hearts mode. Cleaned up a bit, did some chores, and checked on school stuffs (GOT A 98, YEAH BOI) and worked out and bathed just so I could chillax with this DLC. If you play Kingdom Hearts or even playing the DLC, let me know how you feel. Oh yeah, my love story the manga is like my thing now, I want to know beyond the yeah there's that. So much going through my mind, refocus on blog tomorrow. Stay motivated. This is the way. I have spoken. GN!

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Days 992-993


So, yesterday I took a lax bc I felt backed up. That was a bit brutal. Mind you I took one and I had to eat like two pieces of bread. After that my body calmed down and after using the bathroom at work I was much better. Why lie about this lol, trying to be as honest as possible.

Speaking of honesty, I said I would not eat French toast sticks. Looked up the ingredients and found they were not made with milk, so I had some at work along with fries and a hash brown this morning. I ate my wrap this evening without the apple and after getting my nephew to my mom, I was able to go to sleep.

Also, my knee has been sassing me so I decided to change up my routine for tonight by doing all leg machines in the women's section of the gym, except for the inner-outer thigh machine. Did 20 reps twice on all of them, except for the leg push machine (the reason my knee got messed up in college in the first place).

Not gonna put the juicy bits down tonight. I don't deserve to. Will put them down tomorrow. Do know I got over 6000 steps. I was 247 on the 21st and did not weight myself this morning due to eating breakfast. I bought apple cider vinegar (containing orange, ginger, and turmeric) and "purely inspired Organic Greens" to aid in getting all my nutrients. It's vegan, I checked, and has probiotics in it as well. Trying to put myself in a position where it's all mechanic. I have pat down the urge to continue to go to the gym to get strong. It's just the food. I've got pat down the vegan bit, but just controlling is all I need to get down. Even now, I may eat a wrap. I had my banana prior to the gym but just have the urge to get the wrap. Also, and lastly, I think I'm going back to salad bowls, I miss using lettuce, it's a great filler. Well, please stay motivated. This is the way. I have spoken. GN!

Monday, January 20, 2020

Day 991


Today would be my last day eating my job's wheat French toast sticks. I feel they may have milk in them due to the fact that eggo waffles have milk in them. I will just have to make my own and that's fine. Today I went to the gym and told myself I need to freaking get it together with the time. I want to be able to do 2 sets of everything and then add weight each week. So the rest of this week will be normal with the set weights at 50 lbs and then adding 5 lbs as close to 5 lbs as possible while keeping the same reps. Also I used the glute machine for the first time today and got a set of 10 per leg for 20 total reps. Pretty dope. Today I did 1 set of each exercise and it went pretty well. Did 30 mountain climbers while mostly maintaining my breathing. I can honestly say, even with all the bs eating I've messed up with, being vegan has increased stamina and I'm overjoyed with that. I'm ready to give all I got this week so I can add weight each week to progress my strength. Before I know it, I'll be doing my first pull up. Also finished this week's homework, so I'm ecstatic.

Steps: About 4,000
Weight: checking tomorrow

Breakfast: Wheat French toast sticks
Lunch: bean burger with spinach and apples and veggie chips
Snack: bean burger sandwhich with ketchup
Dinner: banana
Snack: pb sandwhich and the last of veggie chips
Exercise: 25 squats, 50 calories on elliptical, 20 leg curls, 20 leg raises, 20 leg lifts, 20 glute lifts, 30 mountain climbers

Gonna work on story writing at work and watch some more Batwoman. It's coming great. Also, going to switch up my eating to do wraps and burritos so I fill up and start going to the gym hopefully around 5 to 530 so I can start sleeping by 7 to 7:30. Need to be getting them sleep hours. Here's to getting my shit together. This is the way. I have spoken. Get that sleep people.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Days 988-990


So I overate my calories a few days ago and that threw me off my game. Still vegan tho. Haven't broken it, just a little too many calories. I did not go to the gym Friday nor Saturday, I did go today and had an interesting "upper body" day. I did not count calories and did eat 3 times today...although not in a normal way. However, I want to keep going. Still need to teach myself giving up is not an option and I'm not setting an example on this blog or my one on tumblr, so here's my stuffs:

Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner: Ate wheat French toast overnight at work and 4 black bean chick pea burgers with spinach, veggie chips, and vinaigrette for lunch before napping and 2 black bean chick pea burgers after working out

Weight: Will not weigh myself until Tuesday morning. Just know it will probably possibly be higher than 245 but not giving up, still got until the end of the month and then 2 weeks for katsu. I'm trying to get to the 220s by Valentine's day at least.

Steps: Over 6000, been doing great with this.

Exercise: So, I jogged 3 minutes as usual. My breathing is normal while jogging, so I'm extremely happy about that. Did my Australian pulls up (body rows), push ups, 55lbs on lats (different machine), did 30 on bench press instead of 20, improvised rows because someone did not put back the dumbells, ended up using the mini deadlift dumbell thingy @ 20lbs per arm lift (don't judge me, I don't know what it's called), I used a seated dip machine to do 125 lbs (pretty dope, I can actually do 205 lbs, so pretty psyched about that), did yoga cool down, and I skipped situps, didn't have time.

Goals: My goal is to reach 230s by the end of this month and 220s by mid February for Katsu. Maintain an A grade for Eng 112, get 84 hours average a paycheck, and maintain my regimen for 7 days straight before messing up again. On to homework. This is the way. I have spoken. Rest up folks!

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Day 987


Today starts the first day of my new regimen. As I told my boyfriend, I felt I needed to hurry up and get on with my goal of doing a pull up. I'll attach the pic. I did 2 sets of each, did 1 set of 25 real sit ups, and after running an errand, I'm at home, like super late lol. I'm pretty tired so I will post the juicy bits:

Weight: 243

Breakfast: oatmeal with banana and pb2 powder
Lunch: French fries, wheat French toast, eggo waffles ( I know, but I had a shift at work today)
Snack: PB&J sandwich
Dinner: Spinach and veggie alfredo with 1/2 serving fritos

Steps: Over 6000
Exercise: 2 sets of arm day, 1 set of situps, 1 set of dips, stretching, 3 min jog, yoga cool down

I keep motivating myself that I'm going to get my body in the shape I want it in, cosplay, and other personal things. Stay motivated however you can. This is the way. I have spoken. Please get some rest.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Day 985 and 986


So today I went to the gym, worked out, and afterwards, redid my routine so I can start fulfilling my goals. Sorry I missed yesterday's blog post, a lot was happening. I don't feel like getting into it right now but I will be posting the new routine tomorrow night. And here's the juicy bits:

Weight: 244

Breakfast: Veggie alfredo with spinach and frito chips
Dinner: Veggie alfredo with spinach and frito chips

Steps: Over 7,000

Exercise: all main cardio, 25 squats, 100 calories on step machine, 5 minutes boxing bag, 2 min jog

From this point forward, my days will be split between upper body days (to fulfill the goal of doing pull ups) and lower body days (to keep my thick booty lol, but have even strength of the body). Please find ways to stay motivated guys. This is the way. I have spoken. GN!!

Monday, January 13, 2020

Day 984


Today was pretty cool. After weighing myself I ate 2 packs of apple & cinnamon oatmeal with 1 banana. I slept thru the time I would have ate lunch but decided since I was not really feening for something to eat or drink, I waited until 4:30 to eat dinner and then after working out, I had a cup of almond milk with a 1 tbsp. of pb2 powder. I figured after working out, the vitamins, minerals, and any other nutrients in this would be better suited to help my body recover. I will say I had no headache, which could be from other factors, but I like how I feel. I'll try to use afternoons to get in 3 to 4 hrs.. and then try for 2 to 3 in the evening. Trying to manage an average of 6 a day on work days. Trying to do my body as right as possible. I know 7 should be my minimum, but hey, I'm working on it. Also, that vegan alfredo is doing it for me. I may stick to it as a prep  meal for a while. It's creamy, got veggies in it, eating some greens (spinach), and got protein from the chickpeas. Well, I'll post the ingredients below and mention my diagnostics for the day. Also, I got measuring tape, yay.

Weight: 245 @ 44, 42.5, 50 measurements

Breakfast: Oatmeal with banana and a dash of pb2 powder for the peanut butter flavor
Lunch: Skipped
Dinner: Vegan alfredo veggie mix on spinach wrap with frito chips; alfredo sauce--> margarine, flour, almond milk, seasonings (I used garlic salt, lemon pepper, nutritional yeast, and black pepper)
After Dinner snack: pb2 powder, almond milk

Steps: Over 7,000?

Exercises: 25 climbers, 50 jacks, 75 real high knees (lol), 100 jump rope, 25 squats, 50 cal elliptical, 2 minute jog on treadmill

So, I was gonna aim for 100 but the machine I was on did not feel right, like it was jucking when I pedaled down on it, so I hope to try for 100 tomorrow if time allows. Did excellent today. Also I started school and so far so good. Got 2 more assignments and then I'm done for the week. Then Japanese, then Mandalorian stuffs Hope you all had a great day. This is the way. I have spoken. GN!

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Day 983

Hi. Pressed for time. Here's the stuffs.

Weight: 246

Breakfast: 2 servings of oatmeal with 1 banana
Lunch: spinach wrap with tomato garlic mix, onions, mushrooms, nutritional yeast, and spinach
Dinner: Spinach wrap with vegan alfredo and mixed veggies and spinach

Steps: Over 5,000

Exercise: 25 everything of mountain climbers, jacks, high knees, jump rope, push ups, stretching

Currently at work. Gonna start my first day of school and see if I can get all 4 assignments or most done tonight. Also, boyfriend and I had a very good talk about we feel about sex. If you have a partner, PLEASE COMMUNICATE, IT'S IMPORTANT. And that's all I'll say about that for now.

Fulfilling goals one day at a time. This is the way. I have spoken. Good night!

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Day 982

So I put a lot of thought into how I'm going to handle myself these next 6 or so weeks so that I may be under 200lbs and live this lavish thick body life, lol. For one, I did indeed drink pb2 powder with a banana blended into almond milk and it was good. I was able to do good with dinner by adding a good hand of spinach and garlic salt, and it was good. And I was able to burn about 350 calories I believe at the gym. I did have a bit of headache at home making me believe I either jumped to hard or needed something afterward to recover. Since I've never really looked at "recovery" foods or drinks, I decided when I got home I had a dash of pb2 powder and like 1/4 a cup of almond milk and I was able to lay down. I made one with about half a cup and a dash of pb2 powder for work and I'm doing okay but gonna put down some research on this.

What is recovery after working out for? Here's a link to explain that. Please enjoy. But do know. For the time being, I will throw a dash of pb2 powder with not even a full cup of almond milk and since it's liquid, the 3 to 5 g of protein and whatever carbs will be absorbed into my body quite quickly. Do know that overnight (if at work) I drink tea with a bit of agave, and don't eat until I go home, I should be fine. My main goal is weight loss. However, I do want to maintain some muscle and be a functioning human being, lol. With that I give my results.

Weight: 247 (yeah, I know, but I'm hopeful for going back to decreases tomorrow)

Breakfast: oatmeal, banana, apple, pb2 powder
Lunch: banana, almond milk, water, pb2 powder
Dinner; jackfruit goulash and my last rice roller

Steps: Over 5000
Exercise: 50 jumping jacks, 100 jump rope, 30 leg lifts (cramped), 50 crunches, 4 min job, 100 calorie elliptical, 20 leg raise machine 50lbs, 20 seated leg curls 50lbs, 20 lat pulls 50lbs, yoga cool down

If not mentioned before, my bf and me are going to 2 cons next month, so I gots to get this weight off. He bought me a Assassin's creed cosplay, which I'll explain later, and that leaves me to work on Mandalorian and be even more comfortable into my miles morales cosplay. Love you guys. Stay motivated. This is the way. I have spoken. GN!!

Friday, January 10, 2020

Day 980-981


So, a lot to unpack. I fucked up yesterday and a bit today, but I made the decision for the next few months to be a member of Gold's Gym. Paid down today, exercised today, with 200 calories left to burn by midnight, I estimate. I burned about 500-600 calories today at the gym and Im happy. Also, I came to the conclusion that I need to replace lunch with a smoothie and/or protein drink to cut back on calories but fill me up, and take the time in the afternoon to nap to last til dinner...possibly.

And with that, I write down my stuff for today. Im skipping yesterdays.

Weight: 246

Breakfast: Pizza wrap with rice rollers
Lunch: pb&J with rice rollers
Snack: Pb&J with rice rollers
Dinner; Jackfruit goulash

Water: Over 4 cups

Exercise: 50 jumping jacks, 100 jump rope, 50 leg lifts, 50 crunches, 20 leg extenstions @ 50lbs, 20 seated leg curls @ 50 lbs, 20 lat pulls @ 50lbs, 200 calories on elliptical, 1 mile on treadmill and did 4 minutes jogging, yoga for 3 minutes

Apparently I have a lot to take in for this next month. My boyfriend has got me to agree to katsucon valentine's day weekend and galaxycon in Richmond, Va at the end of February. I have to fulfill my goals. And now I have to play through assassin's creed so I can do my characters diligently. More on her later. Stay motivated. This is the way. I have spoken.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Day 979

Hey. It's been quite the day. I'm just going to cut to the chase.

Weight: 245 lbs

Breakfast: flour tortilla, with pasta sauce, tomato garlic paste, nutritional yeast, spinach leaves, and mushroom pieces
Lunch: PB&J with rice rollers
Dinner: Jackfruit goulash

Steps: Over 5,000

Exercise: 25 squats, 25 mountain climbers, 50 jacks, 75 high knees, 100 jump rope

So I was able to do 75 straight high knees (YEAH BOI!!!)

Also, it was pretty stressful while I was working out. I don't won't to get into it, but I'm glad I went ahead and did my full workout. I'm proud of myself. Until tomorrow. This is the way. I have spoken. Good night!

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Day 978


Hope all is well with everyone. Day 7 is completed. Today was interesting in that my sister had bariatric surgery so I got home late. Technically I went home, ate, napped, went and got her, and then got home late. In the end, I ended up doing 25 reps of everything. I'll put it below. I also bought stuffs for meal prepping tomorrow. Yay.

Weight: 246 lbs

Breakfast: Oatmeal, apple, banana, pb powder
Lunch: PB&J with seaweed and rice rollers
Dinner: Jackfruit goulash (had some potato chips bc it was not enough on it's own, lol)

Steps: Over 5000

Exercise: 25 reps of push ups, mountain climbers, jumping jacks, high knees, jump rope

So I was able to do 25 straight push ups and 25 straight mountain climbers. I'm so happy about it. My goal however is to do "complete" push ups. I'm doing them the regular way, but I would like to do close push up, if you catch my drift. For now, just happy to have the stamina to do a complete set.

Well, off to "enjoy" my night at work. Gonna play kingdom hearts and watch some dragon ball movies. Study Japanese and might work on some Mandalorian stuffs. Stay motivated. This is the way. I have spoken. Good night.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Day 977


I kept my positivity up well today. As a matter of fact, I kept my positivity pretty steady so far this month. I know it's only been a couple of days but I'm trying to have a good outlook on life. I got pass being a little irritated with my co-worker, got pass the issue of school payment being due with an extension (yay), and budgeting bugs I needed worked out, which I did overnight...yesterday. 

Right when I needed to clock in at work however, it took me 15 minutes to f*cking clock in. I hit the computer, tossed it on the floor and clocked in on another. That was the most irritating part. I called my bf after and usually we are just enjoying each other's company on the phone but that irritated me with the television in the background so I got off the phone. I'm okay now that paperwork is done. I don't have the urge to eat (which is usually my response to irritation) and after taking my caffeine pill, I'm ready to start my night.

With all that, I hope you all have had a great day!!

Weight: 247 lbs

Breakfast: oatmeal with apple and banana and pb powder
Lunch: PB&J with seaweed and rice roller
Dinner: Jackfruit goulash

Water and Tea: 4 cups

Exercise: 6000+ steps, 25 squats, 25 mountain climbers, 50 jacks, 75 knees*, 100 jump rope

*So just to clarify, I've been switching between running in place and knees due to pressure I felt in my knee a few days ago. However, I feel eventually I'll get used to this. 

Well, off to my night. Gonna work on Japanese numbers, Mandalorian cosplay stuffs, write in new notebook some death note stuff, lol, watch some db movies, and play some kh. This is the way. I have spoken. Stay motivated. Good night!!

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Day 976

Hello. Feeling great, hope you are.

So, I had a decent day. Got lots of cleaning done and ideas for my Mandalorian cosplay.

Weight: 248

Water: 4 cups (tea as well)

Breakfast: Oatmeal with apple and banana
Lunch: PB&J with seaweed and rice roller
Dinner: Jack fruit goulash

Exercise: 25 push ups, 25 mountain climbers, 50 jumping jacks, 75 high knees, 100 jump rope

Steps: Over 5,000

Pretty proud of myself. However, once I hit 239, the nitty gritty begins. Got to stay consistent this month, which is key. Stay motivated everyone. This the year. This is the way. I have spoken.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Day 975


So today I made a new dish. I finally was able to get jackfruit. I mixed in a stir fry pot half a cup of yellow rice already cooked, 1 cup rotini pasta, 2 cans chopped jackfruit, 1 large sweet potato (already boiled and chopped), 1 can mixed veggies, 1 can diced tomatoes seasoned with garlic, oregano, and basil, and the rest of my pasta sauce seasoned with garlic, oregano, and basil. I also added a handful of uncooked spinach leaves before eating. IT (clapped) WAS (clapped) SO (clapped) GOOD (clapped).

I meal prepped it for the next 3 days. So I'm pretty happy. Hope everyone else is happy as well.

Weight: 250 lbs

Breakfast: oatmeal with bananas and apples

Lunch: PB & J

Dinner: jackfruit goulash (that's what I'm calling it)

Steps: Over 5000

Exercise: Due to timing to nap before work 25 reps of mountain climbers, jacks, jump rope, and knees

Pretty happy with myself. Also brainstorming more ideas for my Mandalorian cosplay with my bf's help so that's going extremely well. Well, time to make due with my overnight job. Work hard this year everyone. This is the way. I have spoken. Good night!

Friday, January 3, 2020

Day 974

Hi. Today was pretty interesting and good. I finished Beastars and played Sekirou.

Weight: 253 lbs

Breakfast and Dinner: Beans with mixed veggies, sweet potatoes and spinach (pbj sandwich dinner)

Lunch: raisin bran and bananas and pb powder with almond milk

Steps: Over 5,000

Exercise: 100 jump ropes, 75 high knees, 50 jumping jacks, 25 mountain climbers

Beans are giving me the protein but with the fiber are causing quite the gas, so no beans tomorrow, just oatmeal and fruit and possibly raisin bran.

Went over the Japanese alphabet and am pretty confident in it. Got a 93% on the test I did a few days ago and will do it again tomorrow. I did eat a little extra after working out (two slices of bread) so I don't expect to lose a lot tomorrow if anything, but proud for maintaining vegan. Stay motivated. GN!

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Day 973

Hi everyone. Since it was my nephew's bday, I did not exercise this evening. I did keep it vegan. Here's how my day went.

Exercise: 2000 steps (probably more since I did not have my phone in my pocket at all times)

Water: 4 cups (including tea)

Breakfast: Oatmeal, with banana, and pb powder
Snack: Apple and banana with peanut butter
Lunch: Beans with tomato garlic basic pasta sauce and a whole sweet potato
Dinner: French Fries and rice rolls

Finished Blood+ and about to finish season 1 of Beastars. I weighed 256 today. Stay motivated. GN!!

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Days 956-972


As promised (or told) I will be doing 31 days of veganism, and hopefully transitioning into an 80% vegan, if not 100% vegan. I'm going to make these posts pretty simple to motivate me to keep blogging and posting in a timely matter...everyday. So here's my overview.

Today I ate about 1300 calories worth of food.

I made 5,000 steps.

I did 25 mountain climbers, 50 jumping jacks, 75 high knees, and 100 jump ropes. I also stretched.

I drank over 4 cups of water, which includes tea.

I started the game Sekirou and paid for half of my English class to start the nursing process.

I weigh in at 259.5.

And there you have it. More about my holidays later. Love you guys. Stay motivated. I have spoken.