Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Days 1032-1034


So new challenge for the month of march. I was able to do completely vegan for the month of January and I'm not doing any travelling for a bit, so I thought, why not do fasting. So yeah, I've been increasing in strength as far as the gym is concerned but not progressing with food, so why not start over. I've clearly done this before and announced to this blog multiple times but I seriously need a reboot and my boyfriend has motivated me with the assassin's creed outfit. Due to the coronavirus in china, where my outfit was coming from, the seller has given him chance to get a refund and just buy it cheaper later, which gives me chance to get down this month. I seriously believe once I hit the 220s i'll be ready to fully commit to doing what im supposed to. Also, I would love to be 100% vegan...like for life. My face is breaking out and I don't care for gas, so yes, I would love to go back to 100%.

I ot a lot riding on this, including my no-care surgery sister who is losing weight but does not care to join me and our other sister in encouraging each other to be our best selves, so screw her, i'll encourage myself. Here's to weight loss. This is the way. I have spoken.

BTW, if you are kinda blah on the coronavirus, just watch John Oliver's video on youtube. Wash your hands, be mindful of others, and be safe. Good night!

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