Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Days 544 to 600...I know

Hey, been a long time, I know, it's ridiculous, but let me explain...

Since last post, basically Halloween, my boyfriend and I have been great, I fell off on weight loss, now back around 245, I have attained my MAT certification, AND today the middle school near my house with the program under the YMCA finally hired me today. Im so fucking excited.

Moving on to games and the holiday, my boyfriend got me a Pandora Charm bracelet, Garnet plushie, KH 358/2 days, and the second installment of Avatar the last Airbender. Spoiled.

I am going to workout tomorrow and post what I've done. Since the internet is acting up, I will stop here and pick up tomorrow. Also, happy holidays, merry Christmas, and happy first day of kwanzaa.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Day 543

Hello kingdom folk.

To just keep on the positive today, I moved stuff from one storage unit to another, ate pretty decently, walked 10000 steps, and did my 30 narrow push ups, and 200 calories on elliptical.

Rinsed my hair out and put in my favorite stuff and now talking to a friend of mine...well trying to between messenger acting up.

I am ready to conquer good old HALLOWEEN TOMORROW!! Ima just wear the Akatsuki jacket and whatnot between work and spoken word and possibly this night event downtown.

Oh, before I forget, looked at the option ready for this...dildos today. Now you probably like wth at this point but hear me out...after really thinking about it and my views and the time table of me and my boyfriend having to stay together in the hopes of us going to Japan in 2020 to really see how we deal with each other, as well as enjoy ourselves away from friends and family, I thought why not use a dildo while I'm waiting. I been waiting for all my life anyway and there's no "moral" issue holding me back...not really. But I am on the fence about him penetrating me first, you know, when the time comes, vs doing it with a dildo first. So yeah...figuring that out now.

It's exciting, because as weird as it seems, it's keeping me goal oriented toward us being together. I mean I want this to be the man I stay with forever and we are at the start of our relationship and now we are at the point where we know that as long as we are 4 hours apart, might as well work hard, plan trips for the future, and simply make money happen so we can fulfill our plans...eventually leading to the trip in Japan, and if all goes like I want, Japan will the defining moment of forever, but enough on that later. Gonna research "stuff." More on my November goals tomorrow. Sleep well fam.

Monday, October 29, 2018

Day 540, 541, and 542

good evening kingdom folk.

Ima just say I did about 1.8 days of fasting before the mess I call Friday occurred and then had an awesome Saturday and now here we are at Monday night.

Today me and boyfriend discussed questions, scary movies we wanna watch, and look forward to jumping back on the wagon to intermittent fasting and hope to be 200 by November 30.
I will have over 40 hour work weeks from now to the last week of November, which means I can look over Spanish, Japanese, and biology. I can possibly do sign language, and catch up on movies/series I ain't completed...and money for December, yay.

Once I get back into routine, I can look forward to 31 days of winter cosplay, and boyfriend and I want to do catwoman and batman since we couldn't do it together this weekend that just passed. 

I also came to a high conclusion about religion being bogus to me. By this I mean that the bible is contradictory and it's sad that the controlling of ppl is taking place. Not saying I want people to drop their religion and just stop believing, but for me, as an already agnostic, I feel that once ppl find the piece of information they are searching for pertaining to their lives, they will either be thoroughly pissed, amused, or both. I looked up contradictions in the bible today, and saw something that took me to the pinnacle of the bs. The highest that I can take. I can't for some reason call myself atheist, but I feel free from the religion game. (

My idea of sex is what keeps me at odds. Clearly without using the bible or religion in general as a base, I kept sex to marriage bc it felt safer that way, but there's no rule but my own and I'm not going to hell for having sex early, so this is where I am now. My boyfriend knows I want to wait but doesn't know that I'm considering having sex with him early. I would love for it to be on our Japan trip in 2020, but who knows. In the meantime, I urge a small step toward whatever you want to do. I'm minimizing my health life down to push ups (wide vs narrow) and elliptical until im under 210. Until next post, be safe, tell ppl you love em, shoot for your dreams, and good night. 

Friday, October 26, 2018

Day 539 Part 2

Hello kingdom folk.

Today was garbage. Point blank. Straight up garbage. FUCK TODAY!!

More tomorrow. Good night!

Day 538 and 539 Part 1

Hello Kingdom folk.

Currently at work and I am fucking cold. Like my coworker said she turned on the heat and my understanding was if we turn on the heat, or rather, up the heat, the youth would get hot in their rooms, but so far, it still cold and their rooms are fine. My feet and nose have been cold since midnight and I plan on leaving from here around 8:05.

Phone didn't want to charge it seems this afternoon and so I went the whole evening without being on it. Got to turn is on a few hours ago and realized that it's charging, but won't show how much is charged on the front when off or on. Simply put, get a new battery.

I went to jsr yesterday and emailed admissions about transcripts and whatnot else. I also got info from 2 nursing students about the program. Ran into two ppl I liked and chatted with for a bit, went to the library to get some info, and then left. Tonight I went over biology, Spanish, and Japanese. Quite excited.

Did I mention I was cold? This is the most irritating part about working overnight. No matter what I put on, it still cold, smh

on to the positive, talking to yall, and did message my boyfriend today. He's proud of me that I'm going to nursing school, well at least trying to get in. I'm estimating that by the time im in my second year, he should be finishing his prereqs or at least starting his first year...hopefully, I have faith in him.

Today is the day that I had planned for him to come but as you know, life sucks, so no go. It would be cool and crazy and a surprise if he did come and just not tell me. I have the weekend off so it'd be totally fine. But it's wishful thinking on my part. Also, Im now on the second day of my fast. So far so good. Until later.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Day 537

Hello Kingdom folk.

So today was suppose to be the first day of fasting and it went down the drain so I'm starting tomorrow.

On a positive, my nephew and I had grand fun on the trip to the pumpkin patch and I snagged 3 in total. You know, he got one, I got one, and I snagged another lol. That third one was worth the way the trip was "organized." But it's over now, I got pics of us, and fasting forward to this evening, I decided to stay home, and do stuff on my ps4, which im starting to do more of.

Family was loud as shit in the living room while I played Brawlhalla and talked to my friend on the phone. Afterward, I danced to music (yay for getting steps in) and watch a youtube vid called The 2,000,000 caloried buffet. Man every time I see ppl eat, like eat eat over like 3000 calories, I flinch bc my stomach does have a stopping point. But it is STILL interesting to see ppl try these buffet people like they really gonna eat 10 plates of food. Hell nah bruh.

Anywho, gonna finish watching then head to bed. Until tomorrow. Sleep well.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Day 536 Part 2

Hello Kingdom folk. About to head to bed so that my nephew and I can go to the pumpkin patch for his school field trip. Haven't been in a while...maybe 2 decades lol.

Bringing it back, I am going to fast today up til Saturday at midnight. If I can help it, I'll fast up til Monday at midnight to re-start my system. Immune system and all that. Also, I like using fasting as a way to discipline myself. Get my water intake in and get back to properly working out. I ate my junk, I overate my full, and now its time to get back in life mode. I'm AM going to hit 200 next month, might not be on a particular date, but I will hit it next month and then my final goal of 180 (sub 170 in order to gain 10 pound of muscle) by December...hopefully before he comes down or I go up.

Other than this, time to hop this shower and get this rest.

Once I hit my goal, I can work on secret cosplay, more Deidara, and Nygus...hell I can just start in order, but more on that later. Good night fam.

Day 532-536 part 1

Hello Kingdom folk.

Im currently at my overnight job (I get off technically at 9am) and there is something that I been wanting to get off my chest. I feel I overcompensate in groups where I'm trying to fit in. Not saying my co-workers don't know I am friendly, but I do a lot of cleaning, of my own will, at my job, and I know it connects to me being a good worker but also, my coworkers can't say I am not a good person overall, if that makes sense. I feel left out and I guess when they are talking and I'm unaware of what they are talking about, it makes me feel blah (if that all makes sense).

On a positive note, my boyfriend and I have been sending regular messages back and forth as usual, you know, morning hon, have a good day at work babe, asking questions about each other still to pass the day, and mini goals and stuff to do for next year. I feel everything I'm thinking, he has already made a plan to do it. For example, I remember telling myself that I would kiss him at the convention in July for Blerdcon and he did it first, which threw me off. While at six flags, he bought up the idea to move in within the next 1.5 to 2 years before I even said anything. His reasoning: we are like 4 hours apart. A few days ago while sending messages he said he had something he wanted to say to me face to face next time we get together, which will be December if not November. I'm not getting my hopes up as it could be anything. Even though, if he proposes I would probably faint lol, but that's not what I think he's gonna say. I have two gifts to give to him and something I wanna say as well, but i'll get into it more later on.

Well, I am back in the 220s after falling off after being angry that my boyfriend couldn't come this weekend. I will have to get back on so I can be 200 by at LEAST the end of next month. Until next post!!

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Days 522-531


I'm just gonna start off saying I hope ppl were safe from the storms we had in the south and on the east coast last week. 2nd, gonna spiel about my weekend with my boyfriend in Philly.


I arrived Friday at 10:45 am and by the afternoon was with our friends buying clothes and asking stupid inappropriate questions while eating at Mcdonalds. That was great. Played with the pull up bar for a while and that was interesting. And saw venom. Bruh, venom had me looking at my boyfriend like "you need to cosplay venom right NOW."

Saturday we went to six flags after breakfast at a pancake place and meeting his aunt and cousin. Six flags was the bomb. so many rides and talk about our future while in some of the lines.

Sunday we work up late, and bought comics, and chilled at a ramen shop in jersey.

The whole weekend was so great, we talked about it Saturday night and was like "if we don't go to work Monday and make money, we won't be able to see each other." LOL. So this week I'm going easy doing one job but I will start my hours back at the other on Sunday. I also messed up with food today (for another post) and am back to 220s but im happy to even be this size and did great by not taking a laxative but drinking water. I'm doing well as far as watching myself and just learning from my mistakes. Can do 30 push ups max and looking forward to working out everyday lol. Well, friend is messaging me, more later. Get your hours of sleep in people. GN.

Monday, October 8, 2018

Day 521

Hello kingdom folk. Today was a better day.

About my bday, so on Thursday, which was my actual bday, I expected to see some family when I got home from work and eat my carrot cake. Didn't happen bc my youngest sister planned last minute for people to come Friday. I understand it starts the weekend, but I was irritated and I like eating cake with family. So Friday come, I get off, my other sister and brother in law (with niece and nephew)come, my cousin come and spend like a fucking hour on the phone, my brother and male cousin come with his friend (we like her) and of course my dad came after his work shift at 10:30 in which everyone went home. Seems like they probably invited 10 or 12 more ppl BUT ppl couldn't come or didn't respond. That irritated me. I did dance and whatnot and had fun drinking a bit but I wanted to see ppl I ain't see in a while.

Fast forward to Saturday and the two street festival (which is annual in RVA). It was great. Had food, bought clothes, saw another cousin, and afterwards I went to this place called Treat Shop which my sister's friend family own. It was cool. Went to carnival but it was a long line for tickets, so went home. But Saturday was dope.

Sunday is when the trick fucked up my day, but fast forwarding to the night time, I drank water, went to the bathroom to clean myself out and made a vow in the shower that I will not continue with the behavior I have been producing the last few weeks of my weight loss journey. It honestly, like honestly, feels like I am heading toward bulimia territory. Im not measuring my fluids to match what I ate or throwing up or anything like that, but I have overate these past two weeks in celebration of bday and other things and now Im back to 225 or at minimum 222. I did work out today and did extremely well. I'll talk about exercise bit tomorrow. But I want to encourage ppl with intermittent fasting, not turn them into bulimics or beginner bulimics. Here's to continuing my safe journey to 180. GN!!

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Days 517-520

Hello kingdom folk. Well, I'm quite tired and it has been a long long weekend. I don't feel like getting into about my bday, not really tonight, but I will get the negative part out the way...

So not sure if I mentioned it in the last post, but at my longer hours job, I ended up staying at a hospital for 2 separate shifts bc this teen did not do what she was suppose to. The second shift being my bday at 3 in the morning til past 9 in the morning. Fast forward to today, this trick didn't want to abide by rules, so she pulled my forward...I'm done with this whole damn day. I'm ready to see my boyfriend this week coming.

Speaking of which, I have tons of cleaning up to do. Need to sweep, mop, dust, I already washed 90% of my clothes last week before bday, clean glass, clean car, polish stuff, wipe off stuff, clean both bathrooms, and put down borox. So my "uncle" had sprayed the house like 4 months ago and the house has been free of creepy crawlers, if I may say, and it's been like freedom, but the last 2 or 3 weeks, we have seen some and I ain't with it. Now it's "stink bug season" and they have found ways not only into the house, but the city overall. So tomorrow, as well as the rest of the week, I'm going in on my window.

Well, until next post. I'll put up more on bday later. Sleep well and happy fall.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Days 514 - 516

Hello kingdom folk. Soon it'll be October 4 (by the timing set of this post it is October 4 lol) and I'll be 29 years old. Due to allergies, mashing of days (overnight shifts from 11pm to 9 am), I am not as hyped about it as I would be. I'm tired, I'm going to spend part of my working shift in the hospital with one of my residents, and I still work my other job from 3 to 6. After that, i'm free, with the exception of working 3 to 6 on friday and then i don't work at all on saturday. I technically completed my 3 day fast and will probably weigh something like 215.8 when i get home around 9:30.

In other news, I started saving for stuff. The holidays, my parents anniversary gift, my japan trip in 2020 with boyfriend, and my surprise gift to him, and so all is doing okay for the moment. I do feel at times that when im in my room, I feel like there's something I'm not doing. Most of my mental energy goes toward work, money, my weight, work, bills, the car...and that's it...oh yeah, and sometimes taking my nephew to school. Other than that, that's all I'm focusing on. In between time, like overnight or on the weekend, of course I'm doing anime, but if my computer konks out on certain anime websites, then i have to do youtube or wishlist shop online.

Well, I have a few hours before i have to go to the hospital from my job. I will post about my "awesome" birthday later.

Also, if i had my way, i'd want a surprise birthday party, with friends and family, and homemade carrot cake (dad bought my favorite from food lion, which is still freaking awesome), video games, and probably watch one of my favorite movies. My guess for tomorrow is that im definitely eating cake, hopefully clam chowder and turkey meatballs (i'll explain later) and food in general since i'm off this fast. We shall see. Til next post!!

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Day 504 to 513

Hello kingdom folk. I am currently 219. October 1 to October 3 I will do my second 3 day fast which consists of drinking only water and losing about 5 to 6 pounds as I prepare to be less than 215 and hopefully 210 by the day of my birthday on October 4.

Current favorite songs: Youngblood and God is a woman.
Current cosplay list: Lit, about to do catwoman for Halloween.
Anime I need to watch: Dragon ball super, Hellsing Ultimate, and My Hero Academia.
Current size: 18 to 20

On tonight's conquest, me and my boyfriend talked for over 2 hours. We planned trips and cosplays and will see each other twice in October. What hit home was the last question he asked me...bare with me...if we go to Japan in 2020, if it happens, will I like to lose my virginity in Japan?... had dreamed of my honeymoon being in Japan and losing my virginity there, but this is in a year and a half and I have had a change of ways since I first had this thought like a few years ago. Answer at first bid: Hell motherfucking yes. Answer at first thought: I want to wait til marriage.

This is what I'm stuck on. All the questions and weird shit we talk about in the world and I'm stuck on this. Mind you it's over a year away but it's a big leap for someone like me...but yeah, wanted to get that out. More on the bullshit at work (some bad, some great) and more on the love of fall and October next post. GN.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Days 495 to 503

Hello kingdom folk. Here we are a week later with bad news and good news.

Bad news: (1)one of my bros pissed me off at J1con, and besides technical talk, I refuse to conversate with him for the next few months. (2) I didn't get the Behavioral Health Tech position. I don't even care anymore at this point. (3) I was late to poetry yesterday due to my sister using the car. My ppl don't care as long as I show up but I do. I was irritated the whole night. (4) my sister refuses to research health stuff for herself, which is irritating for various reasons. (5) My boyfriend's new job got him a permanent schedule, which falls on my bday weekend...

Good news: (1) Already planning for next year group cosplays, including Akatsuki from Naruto, Team universe 11 from dragon ball super, and I made a post collected people to cosplay any smash brothers characters with 4 ppl doing players 1-4. (2) I won a picture of MLK jr, a black panther shirt, a dragon ball drawing, and 3 stickers from J1con on sunday (pics later). (3) I will be working overtime at my second job to make the money to prepare for the holidays. I want to get my boyfriend a gift (which we'll talk about next post), my parents a cruise (with the help of my siblings) gift cards for the homeless and family, and buy me finally a damn suv. (4) My boyfriend's schedule is every other weekend, so i'll see him the weekend after my bday, yay. (5). I am down from 271.1 to 219.5.

so yall remember when I put up that pic of my Akatsuki jacket and grey shirt. Well, I look good in them as ever. Before 278 and After 219.5

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Days 491 - 494

Hello kingdom folk. First things first, I'm back to 225 and this week has been so far so good.

I had my interview today for Behavioral Health Technician. While I felt it went okay, it felt very blah to me when I left. My lack of sleep and my attitude about "I don't have it til they say I have it" didn't make me feel too positive when I left. I told my bf I was not trying to get my hopes up, bc something could always happen, like, idk, people show up to work this week and next week and then they don't need that position to be filled...stuff like that. I won't know until next week, so that's that.

Also, this storm is coming and I'm ready for it. I hope that for all of you on the east coast are properly prepared and are taking safe precautions. As I'm going out of town for J1con this weekend, I should be safe.

And another note, today was 9/11 and so I hope that everyone had a decent day. Every year around this time (with the exception of it being my aunt's bday) I find 9/11 to be a blah non-upbeat day, for obvious reasons. I hope everyone was able to make it through.

Oh yeah, I have been listening to more sensual lo fi hip hop music the last week or so and it's quite pleasing. When you get a chance, go look up lo fi hip hop. It's dope. Until then, be careful, keep going with the weight loss, don't give up, and please be safe and let people know you are doing okay.

Friday, September 7, 2018

Days 488-490

Hello kingdom folk. Happy start of the weekend.

So this week was a teeny bit irritating, so let me be quick about the order of events:

Found out today that my prior supervisor at one job was actually fired and did not put in her two weeks, so today when I saw her (no gonna go into it) I asked was she coming back and she responded with maybe, whatever, my sis and bro (bud) may not be going to j1con with me next week due to stuff and that's quite irritating bc it's last minute and I may need to change my route of transportation. My bf hasn't been able to chat with me in two days now, that's irritating. Bc I was almost late one day this week I decided to put in extra effort to get the Nissan rogue I want, 2010 and silver (or black, which is what I wanted first, but silver has this twang to it to go with my goth flare). So I asked for hours out the random and my supervisor told me to come in and work overnight...which im doing now, yay. Also, I have an interview next week for a hospital and if I get it, i'll be so ecstatic.

Well, that's it for now, gonna finish watching dragon ball z so that eventually next week I can start dragon ball super (yes, I am behind). Until next message, keep exercising, watch what you eat, watch new or old animes, and have a safe weekend, getting quite messed up this month around the world.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Days 485-487

Hello good kingdom folk.

So I wanna lay something on yall. Not about work, even though I got words about work, and not about weight loss, nope all about my boyfriend.

So, my boyfriend is really sweet. He says I'm the most gorgeous and cute and stuff that makes me blush...if I could blush, but that's besides the point. We were on the conversation about sex. And even though we talk about it all the time as far as likes and dislikes and what we want to do in the future, he knows that I want to wait until marriage. Not because of religious stuff anymore, bc i'm agnostic and I could have thrown it away, but because I don't like risks and he respects it.

Now we been talking about stuff not considered sex and it kinda gets me in my feelings. Not in a bad way, but in a naughty way. The fact that he respects me enough to not push it on me is super great and at the same time, if I bring up doing it, he's definitely gonna be like "you sure about this?" and that is kinda where we are...

I had a change of heart about religion earlier this year bc stuff just didn't add up for me and so I went from Christian to Agnostic. I can't tell ppl how to do with their personal beliefs but I highly suggest research in your spare time so that you can live your life. In all honesty, I've looked up so much stuff on sex. The minute I get a clear answer about it pertaining to history and the oldest ideals of sex I can decide to do sex before marriage, but until then, I'm comfortable with sex AFTER marriage, and he's willing to wait as well because he cares about my choice.

We are currently on the stuff not pertaining to penetration and so tonight, at my overnight shift, I will be doing just that, looking up stuff on the internet. I have stuff i'm willing to do and not to do, and so it's a matter of acting on it when we meet up at conventions or our personal time (since it's long distance). I'm going on 29 and for any reason our relationship don't work out (which we believe will be eons to come bc it's been a great year) I am capping the sex deal at 35. At the point where we don't work out, and it'd have to be detrimental, I think I will give up on it, because I will have lost patience with it.

I actually feel great getting this out. I feel comfortable finally letting loose. Take time to think about this stuff before just acting on it. It's your body, treat it with respect before interacting with someone else's. Until next post...good night fam.

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Days 480-484

Good Day kingdom folk. I am feeling a bit blah at the moment. I decided to get my butt in gear for J1con on the 14th in Atlantic City, New Jersey.

Today, since my stomach was messed up, I decided to stay home and workout. I walked on my street and got some steps in and then came inside and did pushups, squats, and situps, counting from 12 on down, so 78 reps each time. Excited. Almost at 5000 steps, but changed my goal to 7000 til j1con. Also, it's a month before my bday and I plan to be as close to 180 as possible. I look forward to it.

Meanwhile, it's thundering and after I shower I'll be looking at more Dragon Ball Z. Getting prepared for Android 18 cosplay and Dragon Ball Super, and yes I know I'm behind.

Bringing it back, I plan to be under 220 lbs for J1. I look forward to looking good in my Number 5, Android 18, and again my Deidara cosplay. Also brought these purple jackets for me and my younger sisters and plan to wear them all smexy like come November 1st.

Until next time, enjoy your Saturday, the weekend in general, and hopes and dreams I wish to be fulfilled for you. I am a Youth Counselor for 2 jobs, but there's a possibility that next week I may be offered a Behavioral Health Tech PRN position for a hospital. That's all I need at this point to make it where I need to be to secure more open paths in my future. Here's to our health and livelihood.

Monday, August 27, 2018

Day 428-479

So this is by far the longest I have gone between blog posts. Sending carrot cakes and cheese cakes out thru the internet as my apology. A lot has happened as you have guessed. To start off most importantly, I am currently 228.3 pounds (lowest 226). Fuck yes!! I have lost over 40 pounds thru exercise and intermittent fasting. For those of you who don't know, especially if I haven't done it in the last post, intermittent fasting is when you eat between a certain time period and fast for the rest of the day. I try not to go over 1200 calories at lunch (1400 if I can truly help it), then I work out (if I can help it), get my 4000+ steps in, and drink lots and lots of water.

Also, my boyfriend in Philly and I and our friends hung out for Blerdcon at the end of August and let me tell you, I had been fantasizing about kissing him at the right time, but he did it first and I was not ready lol, but it let me know how much he likes me and all out friends know now. I'm happy that we are making things happen, even though we are like 5 hours apart.

Also, I completed Nurse Aide training 2 weeks ago and am supposedly going up for certification in a few weeks. I'm not pressed because if I get a Mental Health Tech or Behavioral Health Tech, then I will be where I want to be. Also, me and my boyfriend's goals are to be Registered Nurses in the future, and I want to be in a Mental Health facility working with teens.

Currently I'm racking up hours as a Residential Youth Counselor and I just finished being a Summer Camp Counselor going back to either an After school counselor or site coordinator. They will let me know by Wednesday. Either way, I'm ecstatic.

Also, for Blerdcon, I did Deidara, Diablo, and First Fusion Garnet. It went well, but I'm ready to rev up for next year. A lot of couple cosplay talk has been happening and so I have a lot of cosplay goals. For one, my next cosplays will be Gambit (my baby), redo First Fusion Garnet, redo Diable, Android 18, and Domino from Deadpool. Eventually, I want to do Fuu from Naruto, Hinata, Batman (genderbend) and my all time goal for 14 years, Major Kusanagi from Ghost in the Shell with boyfriend as Batou, once I hit my bday goal of 180 that is, lol.

I head off now, as I'm doing overnight hours at my job and have anime shows to catch up on. Until next time, be safe, don't starve, drink water, and get fit.

Friday, July 6, 2018

Days 393-427

Hello. It's been a month and I apologize. It's late so I'll just sum everything. I LOST 30 MOTHERFUKING POUNDS WITH INTERMITTENT FASTING!!! WOOOOO!!

So yeah, that sums up the past month lol. I was starting at 271.1 and made it to 241.2.  I have garnet and deidara ready, gonna do diablo as well and kiriku. I believe I'll wait til winter for tenten.

Here's to another 20 pounds gone by blerdcon!!! Will try to do pics this weekend of my clothes. Ill also explain the fasting later. Drink water, eat to live, and t

Friday, June 1, 2018

Days 387-392

Hello. Long story short. I am 249.7 and 1.7 lbs away from my first goal. Also, I've been approved for cna training in July
Also, I am preparing 5 cosplays: tenten, diablo, kilikou, deidara, and garnet. Also, I just watched the movie Coco and it had me in my feelings. It was lovely, intense, mysterious, bullshit, and made me tear up...I highly recommend it and it' on Netflix.

After I hit 248, my goal is 240, then 230. At 240 I will get stuff for tenten and diablo and at 230 I'll buy new bras. Time to chill before bed...

Damn, almost forgot, I've been doing intermittent fasting. 20 lbs down. Try it, nite!!!

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Days 373-386

So my apologies ppl. It' been two weeks, but I have good news. Gonna post my post from fb here and I'll post later. Tootles.

So, hi fam. I have been waiting to talk about my week. I did intermittent fasting, starting monday, and did my version of the opm workout. So I ate averaging 1000 calories at noon, everyday, and also 25 squats, 25 push ups (full), and 25 sit ups, 1 mile on elliptical, and 10000+ steps, equating to 5 miles.
My original weight last month started at around 271.2 and the I got to a point where I was stuck between 265 and 258. So I said the hell with this cycle, I'ma change this before blerdcon. So as of right now, I'm 252.1. Feeling great and happy.
Been keeping up on info of intermittent fasting and I like what I'm learning. I'm not hungry and I'm motivated to not eat random crap. I can actually walk in a store and not be tempted lol. So yeah, I wish the best for everyone. Love how positive you've been, and I'll post when I hit my first goal of 248. And of course, HAPPY MEMORIAL WEEKEND!!

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Day 369 - 372

Hello people. Going to use the voice text so it might sound off but bear with me. Today was graduation day and it went extremely well. Yesterday my bro went with me to eat dinner and we stayed out till 2 in the morning celebrating my masters diploma. Today my sister graduated with a bachelor's in English. Family came over with friends to celebrate at the house. It has been such a glorious day. I am so tired I'm not going to edit this LOL. 

Next thing on my list is to be certified nurse assistant and then phlebotomist and then all my bases will be covered. Well going to make sure ingredients for lemon pie tomorrow for Mother's Day straighten up my room and maybe watch Rick and Morty. Congratulations to all the people finishing school this year. Y'all be safe. Good night.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Day 368

So I'm heading to bed. My nephew apparently not trying to go so ima have to be in here with him. And I was watching the episode where morty crush and everyone at school at tge dance hitting on him Hilarious. Also, I watch steven universe today. Some partial fuckery I tell you, but let me not ruin it, watch for yourselves. This morning running with the kids at my job hurt my foot worse so I did the following at the gym:
10 front lifts
10 arm extensions
60 single arm lifts
30 lateral raises
30 lats
20 ab
30 chest
30 pulleys
10 back extensions
And with that, I bid all good night.

Monday, May 7, 2018

Day 366 and 367

It has been a long weekend. I am 259 even, I worked out today, had a good day at work. The job posting closed last night. And I'm tired. So with that...please work out, watch what you eat, and good night.

Saturday, May 5, 2018

Day 365

Hi everyone. So today marks a year I been blogging on blogger and tumblr. Love you guys for listening to me and no negative comments at all. So happy. I weighed 259.7 this morning so we'll see what happens tomorrow. Hope you all had a great day and sleep well!!

Friday, May 4, 2018

Day 364 part B

Hello ppl. Pretty irritated at the moment. Halfway crappy Friday. Sister causes my ass to be late to work. Luckily i got there first. On the positive note, I finally got under 260, but don' want to celebrate til the morning (when I weigh myself naked and after using the bathroom), waiting on Sunday at midnight so I can wait to hear from the city about that job post, and I finished season 1 black lightening. Time for my baby Flash.

10 pounds til 250. Once I hit 240, getting 2 cosplays together. Tenten and diablo with domino for deadpool movie and deidara on deck. Since I'm up to date on stuff, need to go back to manga. Heading to bed around midnight I guess. Control your food and may the 4th be with you!!

P.S. Tomorrow marks a year I been blogging. Love you guys!!

Days 359-364 part A

Good morning. Hope you all had a great start of May. Long week I had. Gonna sum up stuff. I am 260.8 as of 430am this morning, I have completed season 2 of supergirl, I'm beating the obstacles of work, working extra hours by working 7 days a week to get a car, picked my cosplays for the year, finished paying off masters fee, and two days til job posting closes.

So about the job posting, I've mentioned wanting to be a juvenile detention counselor. A job came up for it on Monday and it was exactly what I was looking for. The post closes Sunday at 1159. It will be all I need. Then I just need cna and phlebotomy, work on business license for homeless project and BOOM, would have life set before I hit my 30s. Impatient but excited. Well, I need to get going but I'll post later. And May the 4th be with you!!

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Days 331-358

Hello everyone. So it has definitely been almost a month since I made a post and I apologize. It has been quite busy around here. So let me do my best. I will do my hardest to sum it up for you.

I don' feel like relooking at my post so let me just start from March to today. I got hired at the ymca as a counselor for an elementary school, my supervisor just left yesterday and I have a month until school let out, meaning no more 7am-9am and 3pm-6pm schedule for a while. THANK GOD!!!!

Beginning April 1 (rather April 11) I have been on a food and exercise regimen which brought me from 271.7 to now to 262.4. More on it later.

Most important was yesterday.  I'l speak on the avengers march 14. YOU HAVE TIL THEN NO EXCUSES. My nephew was at the house yesterday. I was so fucking overjoyed, I haven' seen him in 4 months, long story short, my sister needs mom and dad to help watch him while she works. He remembered me and I sat with him for a while before heading out with friends. I feel like the hole in my heart is filled again. Til next post, stay positive and remember your goals.

Saturday, March 31, 2018

Day 311-330

So, hello. Happy Easter to those of you who celebrate holidays. I have gone through a lot these past few weeks. I miss blogging on my computer but hopefully soon I'll be back on there. More on that later. I just became a counselor for the YMCA. Super excited. I started this past Monday and I have free gym membership which I have been utilizing. I have made a new regimen in which Sunday will be my day off from the gym and Monday through Saturday, will be on and off days with Saturday being a free exercise day. Gotta head to bed, I'll explain more later. Love you guys!!! Also, info on religion views next time. Be safe, stay strong.

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Day 301-310

Hello. FINALLY. this has been a wild two weeks. My pc harddrive, as I said, won' boot, and my phone slow, so I wanted to post, but it was taking forever.

On to important stuff...the chsllenge. My weight started back at 274. I am at 265.9 today. Almost 10 pounds, and I LOVE it. Hoping to be in the 240s by the end of the month. Loving this challenge and dietary checking so much, I want to do a second month, with a 200 squat minimum.

Not gonna talk about work, not enough time. JusT know that ima work hard toward next month goal of 228. Once I hit this, ima start on my cosplays: El Diablo, karui, tenten, white outfit fuu, and kilikou.

By midnight I would have completed 200 aquats. Finished an hour of dancing, and did 3510 steps. And gonna do min plank. Be safe. Let destination be motivation. Get some sleep.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Days 291-300

Hello people. So i have a half good excuse for not keeping up on my blogs. About a week and a half ago, my hard drive would not boot. So that became quite annoying and although i love using my phone, sometimes it just feels good to type with both hands.

Anywho, gonna get right into it.

Today starts March challenge. Remember that photo I shared (below)? So far I've done 200 squats today, i finished dinner at, like, 6:30pm, and I'm almost done with my second half gallon of water. Also, i did 30 minutes of walking for my 30 minute exercise segment. I'm quite happy that i completed today without an issue. Now if I can get under in my calories by midnight, i'll be good. I plan to shoot for 244 by the end of the challenge. Well, gonna enjoy videos until I'm off the clock of my counseling job. Discover a music vid disney crossover that im in love with:

So until tomorrow, Day 1 is complete. Be safe, make your destination your motivation, and get at LEAST 6 hours of sleep a day. Good night!

Monday, February 19, 2018

Day 286, 287, 288, 289, 290

Hello. I know better than this. Forgive me. I have not done any squats in these last five days. I did 10 this morning as a challenge to my "boyfriend." But we didn't get a chance to talk about exercise today.

So to recap last week's adventures, my coworker fainted on me, dad had mini stroke, my middle sister hates me, I'm sick of 2 of my jobs, hoping to get a full time one this week, and Florida had a shooting in the high school by the 19 year old white supremacy kid...yeah, it's sad and irritating. I'm not gonna talk about here right now because I'm pretty sure you are hearing about it every freaking day until a solution is agreed upon.

I saw Black Panther. If you have not seen...well, for those that have not seen it, YOU ARE FUCKING MISSING OUT BRUH, GOOOOOOO SEEEEEE IT. And I'm giving it a week more...around March 1st for people to go see it before I blab on about it. I went as queen mother and enjoyed myself.

A week ago I came across a facebook post about a month challenge. Since i haven't been putting stuff regarding my blog or tumblr on facebook, I thought this would help me keep on my shit, if you will. Honestly, you guys don't respond back on here, and some do respond on tumblr. However, I'm grateful people are reading this and that's all i ask for mostly. On my facebook, however, people will respond throughout the day to make sure I'm on my stuff and the post is a month long to do with a partner and 3 people said they wouldn't mind doing it, including my "boyfriend." So with that, I'll post the image below. Stay safe, make that destination the motivation, and get some rest. Please be safe.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Day 284 and 285

Happy Valentines day everyone. I am so tired and my head is hurting so I will make this super super super short. I did a hundred and thirty squats yesterday but today I didn't get to do any. I took meds, and I gave my mommy and daddy there Valentine's and birthday gifts, spent time with family, took a nap, and drink onion tea. I also dressed us Bliss from Powerpuff Girls. Again I'm tired so I need to sleep. Be safe, make destination the motivation, and get some sleep. Be careful and aware of cold and flu. Good night fam.

P.s. praying for those in Florida tonight. We are better than this. Please be aware of your surroundings and be careful.

Monday, February 12, 2018

Day 283

Hello. A lot happened today. Took dad to hospital with family to get checked, told my sister something she needed to know from our other sister, I finished ffx (in my feelings), started ffvii, did 120 squats, and cosplayed as tucker from Danny Phantom.

Need to head to bed in a bit. Be safe, make destination the motivation, and get some res good night.

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Day 282

So for today, my coworker fainted while I was helping her to our office, a kid got fully naked, and dad had a stroke while I was at work. It has been a long mother fucking day and I'm glad to be home with dad home as well. Gonna play ffx and keep an eye on him til he does testing at the veterans admin tomorrow. Also, just finished all 110 squats and did 8877 steps today. Proud of myself. Put up a cosplay of Filmore...yes that Filmore from disney...and am tired. Will update on the 120 squats and my dad tomorrow. Be safe, let the destination be motivation, and get some rest. Nite nite.

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Day 281

Today started off okay and the middle of the day was rough..this evening was awesome. I decided to now break my challenge in half. Since jumping jacks are killing the tendon in my right foot I'll do part jumping jack, part high knees for the warm up and split the squats between morning and now. Since it's day 10, I did 50 squats this morning and 50 a little while ago. Gonna finish playing ffx so I can head to bed for work in the AM. Good night family. Be safe, make destination the motivation, and get some sleep. Good night.

Friday, February 9, 2018

Day 280

Today was okay until I called my sister. She didn't answer so I left a message about bringing her mail, right? This waa at work so didnt expect to really talk to her. She calls me a traitor thru textll on the count of our younger sister and technically calls me a weak human being. That hurt my feelings. I came home and was like fuck those squats. I put up my Day 9 cosplay, ate mom spaghetti, played ffx for 10 to 15 minutes, and now I'm in the bed. Out of all of this i lost my nephew. My buddy. Won' be able to chat with him til he old enough to understand. Smh. And ppl say others' decisions don' affect other people. Bullshit. Get some sleep people.

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Day 279

Hi ppl. Not at home at the moment so I'll make this quick. Didn' get a chance to exercise since I had to go out all day. Had interview, got no phone call meaning I didn' get the job "today" but I'm not pissed nor mad. Got other chances and can add hours to youth counseling job. Also, I cosplayed urd from ah my goddess. More tomorrow. Be safe, make your destination the motivation, and get some sleep. Good night.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Day 278

Hello. Today has been kinda interesting. I went to work, finished work, came home, ate, went thru about 90 percent of the paper work for tomorrow's job fair, went to family dollar and got a folder, pens, lipstick, and huge manilla blah envelopes, came back, folded clothes, washed clothes, need to put them in dryer, watched supergirl, swept the kitchen floor, exercised, bought tickets for Black Panther by letting my sister use my card online, and now I'm here.

Pertaining to exercise, i didn't want to fail at this challenge because yall know i want to lose weight. So far so good until today. I mean I know i took a break on the 5th to give my body a break but the tendon in my right foot has started really bothering me. I put on my knee brace thingy as usual, but I found my foot thingy (don't judge me, don't know proper name right now) and put that on this evening to give my foot some leeway in movement. This morning i went thru with 70 squats and 70 jumping jacks. This evening I did the 70 squats, but instead of the 70 jumping jacks, I did 30 high knees instead. 

I put up my pic as Miles from Fullmetal Alchemist for 28 Days of Black Cosplay am winding down to redo the front of my head with black yarn. My whole head has gray yarn in it, but i'm ready to take it out after the job fair tomorrow. I just need it neat for the time being.

Got to check on something for my dad and then bedtime. I'm pretty tired. Love you guys. Be safe, make that destination your motivation, and get some rest. Good night.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Day 277

Hello people. So today I did 60 squats and 60 jumping jacks and I technically completed my 2800 steps. Get this though, while I was walking in front of my house my last 300 steps the phone decided to cut off estimate about for 5% battery power. So pissed. But at least I do know I did 2800 steps. Also I went as number 5 for 28 days of black cosplay. Tomorrow I shall fill out papers for a job fair on February 8th after that if it does not work out I will apply to this other job that my colleague said I can use him as a reference for. Pretty cool, huh?

Tis late so I will hit they hey. Be sure to check out some of these killer live life youtube vids if you looking for music to unwind or pass the time. Be safe, make that destination the motivation, and get some rest. Good night.

Search youtube: Kendal miles x eat plants for a living - dream sequence
It so comforting

Monday, February 5, 2018

Day 276

Today i gave my body a rest to heal from doing all the squats. Tomorrow i restart, beginning at 60 squats and jumping jacks. Also, today on #28daysofblackcosplay, I did queen mother from black panther...Did about 500 steps and again, had no excuse not to get the steps in. But it is late, and I'm going to be going to bed in an hour or so. Be safe, make that destination the motivation, and get some rest.

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Day 275

Hello. Completed 3612 steps, 40 squats and jumping jacks for morning and night, Eagles beat the Patriots, did eat an estimated 2400 to 2500 calories, and had about 796 calories left to burn. Because everything restarts at midnight on Samsung health, I'll just dance another 20 or 30 or so minutes, then shower.

Gonna get that the way, since Feb 1, been using knee cushion. So far so good. Also, cosplayed Donna Brown for 28 days of black cosplay. Be safe, make that destination the motivation, and get some rest. Don't party too hard football people. Good night

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Day 274

Hello. Today I completed 30 squats and jumping jacks for day and night. I made it to 2060 steps. Getting close, but no excuses. I could have got them steps in earlier. Also, Samsung health said I had 500 calories left over, but I believe I'll be okay.

For 28 days of black cosplay, I dressed up as the portrait of Virginia Union University's English professor Ruby T. Bryant. She passed some time ago but if I heard right yesterday, she worked there for over 50 years. She was also an alumni. I solute her for Black History Month.

Going to bed around 1am. Be safe, make the destination your motivation, and get some rest.

Friday, February 2, 2018

Day 273

Hello people. Doing great. My anxiety is low, i ate 4 times today, totaling to about 2325 calories (max is 2350 calories) did my invoice for to get paid next week, exercised, did 1508 steps (need to be doing 2800 daily now and forever, no excuses no more) watched SUPERGIRL (I love her), played and am playing Final Fantasy 10, and did Day 2 of 28 days of black cosplay. Also at my younger sister school today for convocation, i learned about a woman named Ruby who passed away some time ago and she is the first black female professor on campus to have a painting made of her. I'll say more on her story tomorrow because i believe she will be my cosplay tomorrow.

I did 20 squats and jumping jacks this morning as well as this evening. I feel good about it. My knees feel weird as usual so i will try to keep up with the challenge, BUT, do alternate squat variations. I also danced for about 3.5 minutes. I feel happy that I'm knocking out my goals.

Well, I'm tired. Gonna play for a bit longer than hit the hey. Maybe I can get my taxes done tomorrow. Was waiting on some info. Don't wait til April to do it, if you got your info, do that crap now and get your money in the next 4 to 6 weeks. Be safe, make your destination your motivation, and get a good night of sleep.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Day 272

Happy Black History Month and 28 days of cosplay. Pretty tired from doing my younger sister's hair for 6 hours. However let me be swift. I did 10 jumping jacks and 10 squats this morning and this evening. Drank water, put all I ate in Samsung health, leading it to say I was still 700 calories over, not mad, and I finished dc legends on netflix, so I started supergirl. I also put up my pic if do ini for 28 days od cosplay. Stay safe and stay woke.

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Days 257-271

Hello people. It has been quite the month of January. First and foremost, the situation with my sister and brother has escalated into a serious matter of which i will not spread the details but it will probably be months before both my younger sisters are on speaking terms. It has given me high high high anxiety and has only been better the last few days since I talked to her about an issue involved another family member. Due to the serious of it I will keep serious details off for now until deemed appropriate or it falls by the wastes side by the spring...hopefully it gets to that positive level.

Due to this issue escalating i have been off game. Not gonna lie, last week and the week before I just came home from work, played Final Fantasy X, maybe watched John Oliver, and went to bed. I was eating as late as midnight. Hoping to start of February on a positive note.

I've had the second interview which I'll delve into later this week. Also, the wedding of my colleagues was very nice. Glad I got to see them all.

Been watching Black Lightning. If you not watching, shame on you.

Well, gonna cut off Final Fantasy and chill and probably watch a Naruto movie. Good night folks.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Day 256

Just finished working out. I'm tired, burned about 980 calories i think. Gonna shower and then hopefully it snows so i don't have to go out tomorrow.

Getting quite impatient with the job I want to hire me so applied for a few more jobs this morning.

Also, I saw BLACK LIGHTENING tonight and it was on FIRE!!! Don't want to talk about it and spoil it, but know it is ahhhhhsome. I need to finish DC Legends of  Tomorrow season 2 and then start Supergirl. After season 3 of Supergirl, I'll circle back around to Arrow and Flash. Since they are still in their new seasons i can catch up.

I want to talk more but I'm tired so hopefully if i don't work tomorrow i can get back on early. So, be safe, reach for your new goals, and let that destination be your motivation!! Good night!

Monday, January 15, 2018

Day 251, 252, 253, 254, and 255

Hi. At the end of my headcold/respiratory infection. Just finished working out and I am building an exercise week sheet. I made a generally exercise sheet now I'm giving myself variety. Need to go shower, so more later. Be safe, make the destination your motivation, and get some rest! Good night!

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Day 247, 248, 249, and 250

I have been sick since Monday and it started in my throat and went to my chest. This idiot (i shouldn't say idiot since the child is probably 13) decided to have a bitch fit at my job and threw snow and ice at me for 15-20 minutes and then i had to follow him for another 25 minutes outside in the cold until he came inside. And now I'm taking medicine. Thank God i don't work back there until the 20th and im not trying to work with him EVAR again.

Also had an altercation happen here yesterday causing my sister and brother in law to move out. I don't want to get into the details but it's gonna be quiet for a while around here...

Around noon this afternoon i had an interview to be a mental healthcare partner for vcu and it went extraordinarily well. I loved it AND get this...they train in phlebotomy for the hell of it. I am sold.

for the last hour, my potential boyfriend and i have been watching a show called Tsuzudure Children over the phone. Apparently the phone cut off on his end so i decided to do my blog and tumblr. Until next time people, be safe, reach for your new goals, and let that destination be your motivation!! Good night!

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Day 245 and 246

Today I did good. Ate small throughout the day at my youth counseling job and worked out. Was suppose to do 50 of each, but did 50 short squats, 25 knee push and 25 sit ups. Felt like my arm and abs were gIvins out lol. I stayed under my calorie intake and drank water. Pretty tired and got work in the morning. So, be safe, reach for your new goals, and let that destination be your motivation!! Good night!

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Day 244

So I worked out, gave an in between day rest of the One Punch Man Workout. Literally 40 calories before hitting 1000 calories I felt my knee almost give out. Had to say fuck it and stoo, but I did good. On to shower. So, be safe, reach for your new goals, and let that destination be your motivation!! Good night!!

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Day 243 Part B

I worked out. Did cardio dance while watching Fitness Marshall on youtube and did my One Punch Man workout: 40 squats, push ups (knees until otherwise, lol), and situps. It's snow outside, which looks lovely, and um, I'm looking forward to a better body. Gonna drink a little more water and then go to bed...

...I think Ima call it a night. Thought I would have more to say, but i don't, lol. Be safe, reach for your new goals, and let that destination be your motivation!! Good night!!

Day 242 and 243 Part A

I'm happy. I weigh 263.3 and have had 2 yogurt bowls today for breakfast and lunch. Below is one from yesterday and one from today. I have "3?" interviews this month and hope that if i get the one at the college, I can get rid of probably 3 of my jobs.

On another note, I did aerobic exercise last night and these are the vids: and I prefer Figure Robics since i'm able to move in sync with them better than the second one and it's more in one spot then moving around in my room. Based on Samsung health at my weight and doing this for 30 minutes, i burned about 500 calories. I'm excited.

My goal is to be about 238 pounds for the wedding im attending. I believe i can make it. I have to make it. Just found out that my friend can't accompany due to new work schedule. Such is life. Also, for any atheists, agnostics, or hell, any freethinkers out there, if you go to websites for information on religions, please let me know. About to do a research paper on religion. Not for an assignment but because i want to. I believed i put the vid up i watched the other night but if not i'll just do it again. Until later, stay warm and exercise!!

Monday, January 1, 2018

Days 240 and 241


I wish i had got on earlier, but wanted to work out first. I enjoyed "over" eating all the good stuff but time to get back on schedule. I have a wedding in 26 days and this morning i weighed 263.7. However i wrote goals im suppose to fulfill. Just did some dancing the past two hours and did 30 squats, pushups, and situps. Due to my arm feeling pretty bad, ima take a break tomorrow and maybe instead do mountain climbers, dance cardio, and something else...not sure yet. My head is bothering me, so gonna head to bed.

Goals this year: Car, 2 jobs (my youth counseling job and a federal job), buy my family a house, get a boyfriend (yeah, it's on the list), and research information on religion (came across this:, lose weight, get into calistenics, and complete a list of anime. Currently got 3 or 4 more Naruto movies and then I'll start Boruto. I'll try and find the list from last year because i didn't complete it. I will this year. Love you guys! Check me out Tumblr at and let's have a great year!!

Be safe, reach for your new goals, and let that destination be your motivation!! Good night!!