Monday, October 29, 2018

Day 540, 541, and 542

good evening kingdom folk.

Ima just say I did about 1.8 days of fasting before the mess I call Friday occurred and then had an awesome Saturday and now here we are at Monday night.

Today me and boyfriend discussed questions, scary movies we wanna watch, and look forward to jumping back on the wagon to intermittent fasting and hope to be 200 by November 30.
I will have over 40 hour work weeks from now to the last week of November, which means I can look over Spanish, Japanese, and biology. I can possibly do sign language, and catch up on movies/series I ain't completed...and money for December, yay.

Once I get back into routine, I can look forward to 31 days of winter cosplay, and boyfriend and I want to do catwoman and batman since we couldn't do it together this weekend that just passed. 

I also came to a high conclusion about religion being bogus to me. By this I mean that the bible is contradictory and it's sad that the controlling of ppl is taking place. Not saying I want people to drop their religion and just stop believing, but for me, as an already agnostic, I feel that once ppl find the piece of information they are searching for pertaining to their lives, they will either be thoroughly pissed, amused, or both. I looked up contradictions in the bible today, and saw something that took me to the pinnacle of the bs. The highest that I can take. I can't for some reason call myself atheist, but I feel free from the religion game. (

My idea of sex is what keeps me at odds. Clearly without using the bible or religion in general as a base, I kept sex to marriage bc it felt safer that way, but there's no rule but my own and I'm not going to hell for having sex early, so this is where I am now. My boyfriend knows I want to wait but doesn't know that I'm considering having sex with him early. I would love for it to be on our Japan trip in 2020, but who knows. In the meantime, I urge a small step toward whatever you want to do. I'm minimizing my health life down to push ups (wide vs narrow) and elliptical until im under 210. Until next post, be safe, tell ppl you love em, shoot for your dreams, and good night. 

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