Thursday, October 18, 2018

Days 522-531


I'm just gonna start off saying I hope ppl were safe from the storms we had in the south and on the east coast last week. 2nd, gonna spiel about my weekend with my boyfriend in Philly.


I arrived Friday at 10:45 am and by the afternoon was with our friends buying clothes and asking stupid inappropriate questions while eating at Mcdonalds. That was great. Played with the pull up bar for a while and that was interesting. And saw venom. Bruh, venom had me looking at my boyfriend like "you need to cosplay venom right NOW."

Saturday we went to six flags after breakfast at a pancake place and meeting his aunt and cousin. Six flags was the bomb. so many rides and talk about our future while in some of the lines.

Sunday we work up late, and bought comics, and chilled at a ramen shop in jersey.

The whole weekend was so great, we talked about it Saturday night and was like "if we don't go to work Monday and make money, we won't be able to see each other." LOL. So this week I'm going easy doing one job but I will start my hours back at the other on Sunday. I also messed up with food today (for another post) and am back to 220s but im happy to even be this size and did great by not taking a laxative but drinking water. I'm doing well as far as watching myself and just learning from my mistakes. Can do 30 push ups max and looking forward to working out everyday lol. Well, friend is messaging me, more later. Get your hours of sleep in people. GN.

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