Monday, February 19, 2018

Day 286, 287, 288, 289, 290

Hello. I know better than this. Forgive me. I have not done any squats in these last five days. I did 10 this morning as a challenge to my "boyfriend." But we didn't get a chance to talk about exercise today.

So to recap last week's adventures, my coworker fainted on me, dad had mini stroke, my middle sister hates me, I'm sick of 2 of my jobs, hoping to get a full time one this week, and Florida had a shooting in the high school by the 19 year old white supremacy kid...yeah, it's sad and irritating. I'm not gonna talk about here right now because I'm pretty sure you are hearing about it every freaking day until a solution is agreed upon.

I saw Black Panther. If you have not seen...well, for those that have not seen it, YOU ARE FUCKING MISSING OUT BRUH, GOOOOOOO SEEEEEE IT. And I'm giving it a week more...around March 1st for people to go see it before I blab on about it. I went as queen mother and enjoyed myself.

A week ago I came across a facebook post about a month challenge. Since i haven't been putting stuff regarding my blog or tumblr on facebook, I thought this would help me keep on my shit, if you will. Honestly, you guys don't respond back on here, and some do respond on tumblr. However, I'm grateful people are reading this and that's all i ask for mostly. On my facebook, however, people will respond throughout the day to make sure I'm on my stuff and the post is a month long to do with a partner and 3 people said they wouldn't mind doing it, including my "boyfriend." So with that, I'll post the image below. Stay safe, make that destination the motivation, and get some rest. Please be safe.

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