Saturday, September 1, 2018

Days 480-484

Good Day kingdom folk. I am feeling a bit blah at the moment. I decided to get my butt in gear for J1con on the 14th in Atlantic City, New Jersey.

Today, since my stomach was messed up, I decided to stay home and workout. I walked on my street and got some steps in and then came inside and did pushups, squats, and situps, counting from 12 on down, so 78 reps each time. Excited. Almost at 5000 steps, but changed my goal to 7000 til j1con. Also, it's a month before my bday and I plan to be as close to 180 as possible. I look forward to it.

Meanwhile, it's thundering and after I shower I'll be looking at more Dragon Ball Z. Getting prepared for Android 18 cosplay and Dragon Ball Super, and yes I know I'm behind.

Bringing it back, I plan to be under 220 lbs for J1. I look forward to looking good in my Number 5, Android 18, and again my Deidara cosplay. Also brought these purple jackets for me and my younger sisters and plan to wear them all smexy like come November 1st.

Until next time, enjoy your Saturday, the weekend in general, and hopes and dreams I wish to be fulfilled for you. I am a Youth Counselor for 2 jobs, but there's a possibility that next week I may be offered a Behavioral Health Tech PRN position for a hospital. That's all I need at this point to make it where I need to be to secure more open paths in my future. Here's to our health and livelihood.

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