Thursday, August 8, 2019

Days 823-825

Hi fam and Kingdom of Lot.

So from Bronycon I gained about 15 lbs in water weight. Shocking, I know. However, I have decided I need to be a little bit more realistic about my weight loss, so that's why I incorporated adding in more protein so that eventually I'm losing anywhere from .5 to .7 lbs on average verses 1 - 1.5 lbs on average because, in reality, I know I'll gain the weight back quicker the quicker I lose it. So even though I'm in the midst of re-losing the water weight (went from 245.5 to 240 over these 3 days) eventually it should slow in the next 2 weeks or so. I want to honestly be 180 by the end of September, however, I will accept being under 200 by then instead if it means being healthy.

Day before yesterday I made chickpea burgers with corn, and from the leftover corn and tomato with chiles in a can this morning I'm making chickpea burgers with added onion to keep up close to the calorie count since the corn and tomato chile amounts I used don't equate to what I had left, if that makes sense. Also I decided to eat heavier in the earlier part of the day and light in the evening. So as of now it's:

Breakfast/Lunch: 3 chickpea burger patties over lettuce with ketchup and hot sauce, yum

Dinner: Yogurt with vega protein (1/2 amount) with 2 apples and 1/8 cup of oats

and don't forget your water...

So about to mix these up, i'll add some recipes later, love you guys and thanks to whoever is reading my blog or tumblr (and eventually twitter) and keeping up with me for these two years, I promise to get down in the next few months and it's becoming quite the reality with the support from bf, friends, and my love of cosplays...and nursing lol. Til later. Stay motivated.

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