Thursday, June 13, 2019

Day 768 part 2

So i had a moment of weakness and had my nephew's half eaten pizza and the last half of my gelato from last night, but I put them both in my Samsung app and within the hour, i'll be under calories...which doesn't even include my burned off calories from working out this morning. So in all, im in the good.

As mentioned, Galaxycon was good. Went as steven universe Friday and Saturday and on sunday I did deidara. Got an autograph by the Original Flash of the 90s (i'll show a pic later) and met a LOT of celebrities. Took a pic with the dude that voiced Bambi and that shit was phenomenal. More later.

Moving on to something personal, I had been thinking real hard about how the world views sex over this past year and it's funny and quite interesting. Some used it for power, some for status, and now its nothing to use it for money, but most importantly, using it for love with that special person. I still haven't done it, but I have put a time limit on it and I may never say it on here, but my view has changed from what it used to be. Stay a virgin til marriage will always be good and sound good, however, after a certain length of time, it's up to you to pick. I wouldn't advise any teens to have sex, but once you are an adult and can make "reasonable" decisions, as well as have the means to take care of a child...seriously, meaning you can take care of yourself with a job/career and some common sense, then yeah, go for it...but never rush into it.

So now that I had that motherly spat, i'ma head to bed. I'm tired, little irritated about bf not contacting me, but whatever. Night people. Stay motivated.

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