Friday, September 20, 2019

Days 861 - 869


So it's been a crazy week. Let's talk about it.

I fasted fully on Tuesday, it's Friday, and guess what??? I'M 229 AAAAAHH!

So yes I'm excited. I weighed in at 229.8 this morning. I decided yesterday after getting good news from my bf that he can see 1 of his abs, I thought to myself, I need to get it together. So, in the middle of the night I came up with the following change. Please note that I was already doing squat, push ups, fire hydrants, glute kicks, arm extensions, and arm curls. However, I add leg raises and (eventually) crunches after watching this girl at this video ( and it's been motivating me. But behold, here's the new workout:

Upper Body Workout

Warm up with 2 minute jog and 10 jumping jacks or 50 calorie elliptical

50 push ups (30 knees, 20 full)

50 arm curls 10 lb per arm

50 arm extensions 10 lb per arm

15 standing high pulls 10 lb (don’t bend hips just stand and pull)

60 leg raises (3 sets of 20)

Yoga (dog, plank, pigeon, stretch back each side, strengthen spine, child pose, butterfly, squat, toes)

4 bottles of water, 1 cup orange juice, 1 cup almond milk with protein after workout, eat at 12

Lower Body Workout

Warm up with 2 minute jog and 10 jumping jacks or 50 calorie elliptical

50 squats with 10 lb

50 fire hydrants

50 glute kicks

15 Russian twists 10 lb (side to side counts as 1 rep)

60 leg raises (3 sets of 20)

Yoga (dog, plank, pigeon, stretch back each side, strengthen spine, child pose, butterfly, squat, toes)

4 bottles of water, 1 cup orange juice, 1 cup almond milk with protein after workout, eat at 12

I will be posting again in a little bit.

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