Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Days 872-874


I'm at work in the middle of the night.

So I wanted to make a detail post, but my stomach not allowing it, so... I'll try to go to the store and pick up some outshine bars and maybe some shredded chicken breasts, maybe.

It's also my cousin's wedding day, so i'll have a second meal there. Talk to yall in a few hours.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Days 870-871

Hi. I'm behind on time so let's get to the point.

Yesterday I broke fast. Today I ate at work and the work schedule was blah. Being with the kids is fine at my job, but the hours i'm away from home during the day is not what I like.

Took today as a rest day because I had no chance to exercise. Cooking, family came, etc. It's fine.

Chick pea burgers came out to an average of 158 calories per each burger.

Made my prep meals. Will post tomorrow. Stay motivated. Stay live. Eat. Train. Sleep.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Day 869 part 2

Hi people...again.

So this morning I went to the store and picked up the following. PB powder and Vega protein I already had, but was running low.

I prefer vanilla, but this was the last one, so I took it. It was like 5.50 or something  like that, and that's cheap for protein powder. I'll make it last until I get the promix one on amazon, which has no flavor but I'll be able to deal with almond vanilla flavored milk, yay.

Typical day will be as such: mornings with lemon ginger tea, 1 bottle of water with a cap of apple cider vinegar, after workouts I drink protein mix to repair muscles, finish my last 4 cups or 2 bottles of water. If I need, drink half cup of orange juice with allergy meds.

Also, for supplementation, I'm taking flaxseed oil for heart health (omega 3 fatty acids), glucosamine for joint health, halls drops for vitamin c and help with allergies, and I'll incorporate vitamins once a day.

In March I hope to show off a great physique and great journey.

Days 861 - 869


So it's been a crazy week. Let's talk about it.

I fasted fully on Tuesday, it's Friday, and guess what??? I'M 229 AAAAAHH!

So yes I'm excited. I weighed in at 229.8 this morning. I decided yesterday after getting good news from my bf that he can see 1 of his abs, I thought to myself, I need to get it together. So, in the middle of the night I came up with the following change. Please note that I was already doing squat, push ups, fire hydrants, glute kicks, arm extensions, and arm curls. However, I add leg raises and (eventually) crunches after watching this girl at this video ( and it's been motivating me. But behold, here's the new workout:

Upper Body Workout

Warm up with 2 minute jog and 10 jumping jacks or 50 calorie elliptical

50 push ups (30 knees, 20 full)

50 arm curls 10 lb per arm

50 arm extensions 10 lb per arm

15 standing high pulls 10 lb (don’t bend hips just stand and pull)

60 leg raises (3 sets of 20)

Yoga (dog, plank, pigeon, stretch back each side, strengthen spine, child pose, butterfly, squat, toes)

4 bottles of water, 1 cup orange juice, 1 cup almond milk with protein after workout, eat at 12

Lower Body Workout

Warm up with 2 minute jog and 10 jumping jacks or 50 calorie elliptical

50 squats with 10 lb

50 fire hydrants

50 glute kicks

15 Russian twists 10 lb (side to side counts as 1 rep)

60 leg raises (3 sets of 20)

Yoga (dog, plank, pigeon, stretch back each side, strengthen spine, child pose, butterfly, squat, toes)

4 bottles of water, 1 cup orange juice, 1 cup almond milk with protein after workout, eat at 12

I will be posting again in a little bit.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Day 860


So like I said, I am motivating myself to be better and make goals happen. I went to the gym and did the following:

100 calories elliptical
50 squats (half with weights/half not)
50 leg kicks (per leg)
50 fire hydrants
50 glute kicks
yoga (hold for 10 breaths)

I am feeling triumphant but know I got a lot a willpower to behold. For now i'll be looking at women with abs to keep motivating me.

Also, my job pulled some bs on me (my part time job) but it's cool bc I got jobs in the works im hoping to happen and to make more money with. So...that's about it for right now. More later. Bye.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Days 854-859


So, I have been a bad girl. I have been struggling the last few days to fast. As of 1am (technically 9/11) I will be starting my fast. Only water...and eventually protein mix until my birthday, which is 3 weeks away. I have failed myself. I haven't even been active the last 3 days at the gym I believe.

I will be motivating myself that losing 30 pounds (including 10 lbs of water weight) will be great. Technically my bday is not the full goal, even though I wanted to be 200 by then, I believe that whatever weight I am will be around what I was at my lowest last, my failure is my own fault.

I'm more than ever trying to get it together because my boyfriend is coming down for bday and he has been working out. So I need to step my game up. In the morning I will be doing the following at the gym:

50 jump rope warm up
100 calories on elliptical
50 leg kicks
50 squats
50 glute kicks
50 fire hydrants
yoga (10 breaths each move)

Please keep yourself motivated. Love wanting to be the best you. #Willpower. Good night.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Days 848-853


So I was suppose to start my strict regimen September 1st, but low and behold, because the one of the state's main theme parks gave all teachers free pass into their theme parks with people getting discounts (my sister just became a teacher) I am just starting tomorrow. When I am off my game, I am off my game.

So tomorrow I will keep with the September workout but will be fasting for a few days...maybe a week depending on how I feel, then incorporate one meal then 2 meals and that will be that.

Also, learned I need a second job bc my other one went sorta blah...more on that later. For now, get some sleep, I hit the cardio tomorrow and hope to complete my 5000 steps. Yay. Stay motivated. Eat. Train. Sleep.