Hello Kingdom of Lot.
So this entire month I put into perspective what I want by the time blerdcon gets here.
-be less than 200 pounds...period
-be able to do 30 push ups in one sitting...period
-be able to do 2 pulls ups
Also, in accordance with my weight goal of under 200 by blerdcon, something else that I been meaning to talk about is sex. Now I know I haven't REALLY delved into this because...yeah, but this is my blog and I feel I should be safe to talk about this.
To sum it up, because I'll talk more on it later, my main thing growing up was that for religious reasons, among other things, I would not have sex til I was married. When I became "woke" (I'll explain later) and found out about stuff that was not true and discovered a list of other things for myself, I still held onto not having sex til marriage due to catching diseases and getting pregnant...still reasonable right? But then I realized, I'm heading toward my 30s and nothing is really holding me back except getting birth control and condoms, so I have picked a time limit for this, BUT one thing I could not change was my weight goal for it. I HAVE to be 199.99 before this. Might sound weird, but that's what I want, even if "he" doesn't really care about it because he loves me. And ppl should love each other regardless of things, but I want to be near my goal for me, not him.
So with that, I was also ashamed for not sticking to goals, it's hard, but I feel I have found a new solution by changing my eating again. This time, more salads. Until later, love you guys, and keep motivating yourself. I'll put up my workout in a week or so.
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