Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Day 746

Day 3 complete

So I went to the dentist today and found out that I need 5 teeth extracted...calm down...

While I do have a good percentage of cavaties from not flossing, 4 of the teeth are simply my wisdom teeth, and one is a bicuspid with cavities in between the overall, im happy. As long as a do my 6 month check ups, continue brushing a few times a day as I've been doing, and just add in flossing, I'm good to go.

I slept from 3pm to about 8...I think. Meaning I slept the whole afternoon away...but it is what it is lol. I have been studying bio on my own and it's been pretty eye opening understanding at my own pace per say. I'm happy with it. Hope to defeat the CLEP test in a month's time and then start nursing after bio 141. We shall see. Also, did 10 squats and completed I think 7000 steps. Missed out on jogging.

Today, I believe, I will be under 250 by the end of the month. If I am, I'll be getting my con stuff. Also, for anyone in Richmond, Virginia, Galaxycon is next week and I am DEFINITELY tryna go in the dbz stretch shirt my boyfriend bought me AND see if I can go as Bulma or some other character. We shall see.

Well, while my boyfriend is on the phone, gonna go ahead. Not too much longer before bed lol. Stay motivated, get some rest, and stay positive. Good night!

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