Sunday, September 30, 2018

Day 504 to 513

Hello kingdom folk. I am currently 219. October 1 to October 3 I will do my second 3 day fast which consists of drinking only water and losing about 5 to 6 pounds as I prepare to be less than 215 and hopefully 210 by the day of my birthday on October 4.

Current favorite songs: Youngblood and God is a woman.
Current cosplay list: Lit, about to do catwoman for Halloween.
Anime I need to watch: Dragon ball super, Hellsing Ultimate, and My Hero Academia.
Current size: 18 to 20

On tonight's conquest, me and my boyfriend talked for over 2 hours. We planned trips and cosplays and will see each other twice in October. What hit home was the last question he asked me...bare with me...if we go to Japan in 2020, if it happens, will I like to lose my virginity in Japan?... had dreamed of my honeymoon being in Japan and losing my virginity there, but this is in a year and a half and I have had a change of ways since I first had this thought like a few years ago. Answer at first bid: Hell motherfucking yes. Answer at first thought: I want to wait til marriage.

This is what I'm stuck on. All the questions and weird shit we talk about in the world and I'm stuck on this. Mind you it's over a year away but it's a big leap for someone like me...but yeah, wanted to get that out. More on the bullshit at work (some bad, some great) and more on the love of fall and October next post. GN.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Days 495 to 503

Hello kingdom folk. Here we are a week later with bad news and good news.

Bad news: (1)one of my bros pissed me off at J1con, and besides technical talk, I refuse to conversate with him for the next few months. (2) I didn't get the Behavioral Health Tech position. I don't even care anymore at this point. (3) I was late to poetry yesterday due to my sister using the car. My ppl don't care as long as I show up but I do. I was irritated the whole night. (4) my sister refuses to research health stuff for herself, which is irritating for various reasons. (5) My boyfriend's new job got him a permanent schedule, which falls on my bday weekend...

Good news: (1) Already planning for next year group cosplays, including Akatsuki from Naruto, Team universe 11 from dragon ball super, and I made a post collected people to cosplay any smash brothers characters with 4 ppl doing players 1-4. (2) I won a picture of MLK jr, a black panther shirt, a dragon ball drawing, and 3 stickers from J1con on sunday (pics later). (3) I will be working overtime at my second job to make the money to prepare for the holidays. I want to get my boyfriend a gift (which we'll talk about next post), my parents a cruise (with the help of my siblings) gift cards for the homeless and family, and buy me finally a damn suv. (4) My boyfriend's schedule is every other weekend, so i'll see him the weekend after my bday, yay. (5). I am down from 271.1 to 219.5.

so yall remember when I put up that pic of my Akatsuki jacket and grey shirt. Well, I look good in them as ever. Before 278 and After 219.5

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Days 491 - 494

Hello kingdom folk. First things first, I'm back to 225 and this week has been so far so good.

I had my interview today for Behavioral Health Technician. While I felt it went okay, it felt very blah to me when I left. My lack of sleep and my attitude about "I don't have it til they say I have it" didn't make me feel too positive when I left. I told my bf I was not trying to get my hopes up, bc something could always happen, like, idk, people show up to work this week and next week and then they don't need that position to be filled...stuff like that. I won't know until next week, so that's that.

Also, this storm is coming and I'm ready for it. I hope that for all of you on the east coast are properly prepared and are taking safe precautions. As I'm going out of town for J1con this weekend, I should be safe.

And another note, today was 9/11 and so I hope that everyone had a decent day. Every year around this time (with the exception of it being my aunt's bday) I find 9/11 to be a blah non-upbeat day, for obvious reasons. I hope everyone was able to make it through.

Oh yeah, I have been listening to more sensual lo fi hip hop music the last week or so and it's quite pleasing. When you get a chance, go look up lo fi hip hop. It's dope. Until then, be careful, keep going with the weight loss, don't give up, and please be safe and let people know you are doing okay.

Friday, September 7, 2018

Days 488-490

Hello kingdom folk. Happy start of the weekend.

So this week was a teeny bit irritating, so let me be quick about the order of events:

Found out today that my prior supervisor at one job was actually fired and did not put in her two weeks, so today when I saw her (no gonna go into it) I asked was she coming back and she responded with maybe, whatever, my sis and bro (bud) may not be going to j1con with me next week due to stuff and that's quite irritating bc it's last minute and I may need to change my route of transportation. My bf hasn't been able to chat with me in two days now, that's irritating. Bc I was almost late one day this week I decided to put in extra effort to get the Nissan rogue I want, 2010 and silver (or black, which is what I wanted first, but silver has this twang to it to go with my goth flare). So I asked for hours out the random and my supervisor told me to come in and work overnight...which im doing now, yay. Also, I have an interview next week for a hospital and if I get it, i'll be so ecstatic.

Well, that's it for now, gonna finish watching dragon ball z so that eventually next week I can start dragon ball super (yes, I am behind). Until next message, keep exercising, watch what you eat, watch new or old animes, and have a safe weekend, getting quite messed up this month around the world.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Days 485-487

Hello good kingdom folk.

So I wanna lay something on yall. Not about work, even though I got words about work, and not about weight loss, nope all about my boyfriend.

So, my boyfriend is really sweet. He says I'm the most gorgeous and cute and stuff that makes me blush...if I could blush, but that's besides the point. We were on the conversation about sex. And even though we talk about it all the time as far as likes and dislikes and what we want to do in the future, he knows that I want to wait until marriage. Not because of religious stuff anymore, bc i'm agnostic and I could have thrown it away, but because I don't like risks and he respects it.

Now we been talking about stuff not considered sex and it kinda gets me in my feelings. Not in a bad way, but in a naughty way. The fact that he respects me enough to not push it on me is super great and at the same time, if I bring up doing it, he's definitely gonna be like "you sure about this?" and that is kinda where we are...

I had a change of heart about religion earlier this year bc stuff just didn't add up for me and so I went from Christian to Agnostic. I can't tell ppl how to do with their personal beliefs but I highly suggest research in your spare time so that you can live your life. In all honesty, I've looked up so much stuff on sex. The minute I get a clear answer about it pertaining to history and the oldest ideals of sex I can decide to do sex before marriage, but until then, I'm comfortable with sex AFTER marriage, and he's willing to wait as well because he cares about my choice.

We are currently on the stuff not pertaining to penetration and so tonight, at my overnight shift, I will be doing just that, looking up stuff on the internet. I have stuff i'm willing to do and not to do, and so it's a matter of acting on it when we meet up at conventions or our personal time (since it's long distance). I'm going on 29 and for any reason our relationship don't work out (which we believe will be eons to come bc it's been a great year) I am capping the sex deal at 35. At the point where we don't work out, and it'd have to be detrimental, I think I will give up on it, because I will have lost patience with it.

I actually feel great getting this out. I feel comfortable finally letting loose. Take time to think about this stuff before just acting on it. It's your body, treat it with respect before interacting with someone else's. Until next post...good night fam.

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Days 480-484

Good Day kingdom folk. I am feeling a bit blah at the moment. I decided to get my butt in gear for J1con on the 14th in Atlantic City, New Jersey.

Today, since my stomach was messed up, I decided to stay home and workout. I walked on my street and got some steps in and then came inside and did pushups, squats, and situps, counting from 12 on down, so 78 reps each time. Excited. Almost at 5000 steps, but changed my goal to 7000 til j1con. Also, it's a month before my bday and I plan to be as close to 180 as possible. I look forward to it.

Meanwhile, it's thundering and after I shower I'll be looking at more Dragon Ball Z. Getting prepared for Android 18 cosplay and Dragon Ball Super, and yes I know I'm behind.

Bringing it back, I plan to be under 220 lbs for J1. I look forward to looking good in my Number 5, Android 18, and again my Deidara cosplay. Also brought these purple jackets for me and my younger sisters and plan to wear them all smexy like come November 1st.

Until next time, enjoy your Saturday, the weekend in general, and hopes and dreams I wish to be fulfilled for you. I am a Youth Counselor for 2 jobs, but there's a possibility that next week I may be offered a Behavioral Health Tech PRN position for a hospital. That's all I need at this point to make it where I need to be to secure more open paths in my future. Here's to our health and livelihood.