Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Day 154 and 155

So mother nature picked a fine time for me to hit allergy season. That post nasal drip shit happened again and eventually messed up my throat. However, it's not too bad and I should be okay for the convention. I weighed myself this morning as 255. Since I ate near midnight, can't really sleep yet. However, since my nephew JUST went to sleep, I think i'll work out at 2am (you know, get my metabolism going) so i can be in bed at 3. Need to drink like 3 bottles of water, already took sinus meds, and see what homework all needs to be done for this week, because I'm not doing it while at the con. 

I hope to make half a mile in 6 minutes. That means jogging at a simple pace and just breathing. 

Lastly, I came upon a new anime last night when I got home. Kiss him, not me is stupid hilarious and funny and bought me back to my Ouran high school (fav anime btw) and chobits. Those high school days...but anyway, check it out. Only saw 1 episode and gonna watch the rest come the weekend during down town. If any of you are going to blerdcon, hit me up on my tumblr ( Wish me luck on exercise and good night!!

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