Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Days 257-271

Hello people. It has been quite the month of January. First and foremost, the situation with my sister and brother has escalated into a serious matter of which i will not spread the details but it will probably be months before both my younger sisters are on speaking terms. It has given me high high high anxiety and has only been better the last few days since I talked to her about an issue involved another family member. Due to the serious of it I will keep serious details off for now until deemed appropriate or it falls by the wastes side by the spring...hopefully it gets to that positive level.

Due to this issue escalating i have been off game. Not gonna lie, last week and the week before I just came home from work, played Final Fantasy X, maybe watched John Oliver, and went to bed. I was eating as late as midnight. Hoping to start of February on a positive note.

I've had the second interview which I'll delve into later this week. Also, the wedding of my colleagues was very nice. Glad I got to see them all.

Been watching Black Lightning. If you not watching, shame on you.

Well, gonna cut off Final Fantasy and chill and probably watch a Naruto movie. Good night folks.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Day 256

Just finished working out. I'm tired, burned about 980 calories i think. Gonna shower and then hopefully it snows so i don't have to go out tomorrow.

Getting quite impatient with the job I want to hire me so applied for a few more jobs this morning.

Also, I saw BLACK LIGHTENING tonight and it was on FIRE!!! Don't want to talk about it and spoil it, but know it is ahhhhhsome. I need to finish DC Legends of  Tomorrow season 2 and then start Supergirl. After season 3 of Supergirl, I'll circle back around to Arrow and Flash. Since they are still in their new seasons i can catch up.

I want to talk more but I'm tired so hopefully if i don't work tomorrow i can get back on early. So, be safe, reach for your new goals, and let that destination be your motivation!! Good night!

Monday, January 15, 2018

Day 251, 252, 253, 254, and 255

Hi. At the end of my headcold/respiratory infection. Just finished working out and I am building an exercise week sheet. I made a generally exercise sheet now I'm giving myself variety. Need to go shower, so more later. Be safe, make the destination your motivation, and get some rest! Good night!

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Day 247, 248, 249, and 250

I have been sick since Monday and it started in my throat and went to my chest. This idiot (i shouldn't say idiot since the child is probably 13) decided to have a bitch fit at my job and threw snow and ice at me for 15-20 minutes and then i had to follow him for another 25 minutes outside in the cold until he came inside. And now I'm taking medicine. Thank God i don't work back there until the 20th and im not trying to work with him EVAR again.

Also had an altercation happen here yesterday causing my sister and brother in law to move out. I don't want to get into the details but it's gonna be quiet for a while around here...

Around noon this afternoon i had an interview to be a mental healthcare partner for vcu and it went extraordinarily well. I loved it AND get this...they train in phlebotomy for the hell of it. I am sold.

for the last hour, my potential boyfriend and i have been watching a show called Tsuzudure Children over the phone. Apparently the phone cut off on his end so i decided to do my blog and tumblr. Until next time people, be safe, reach for your new goals, and let that destination be your motivation!! Good night!

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Day 245 and 246

Today I did good. Ate small throughout the day at my youth counseling job and worked out. Was suppose to do 50 of each, but did 50 short squats, 25 knee push and 25 sit ups. Felt like my arm and abs were gIvins out lol. I stayed under my calorie intake and drank water. Pretty tired and got work in the morning. So, be safe, reach for your new goals, and let that destination be your motivation!! Good night!

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Day 244

So I worked out, gave an in between day rest of the One Punch Man Workout. Literally 40 calories before hitting 1000 calories I felt my knee almost give out. Had to say fuck it and stoo, but I did good. On to shower. So, be safe, reach for your new goals, and let that destination be your motivation!! Good night!!

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Day 243 Part B

I worked out. Did cardio dance while watching Fitness Marshall on youtube and did my One Punch Man workout: 40 squats, push ups (knees until otherwise, lol), and situps. It's snow outside, which looks lovely, and um, I'm looking forward to a better body. Gonna drink a little more water and then go to bed...

...I think Ima call it a night. Thought I would have more to say, but i don't, lol. Be safe, reach for your new goals, and let that destination be your motivation!! Good night!!

Day 242 and 243 Part A

I'm happy. I weigh 263.3 and have had 2 yogurt bowls today for breakfast and lunch. Below is one from yesterday and one from today. I have "3?" interviews this month and hope that if i get the one at the college, I can get rid of probably 3 of my jobs.

On another note, I did aerobic exercise last night and these are the vids: and I prefer Figure Robics since i'm able to move in sync with them better than the second one and it's more in one spot then moving around in my room. Based on Samsung health at my weight and doing this for 30 minutes, i burned about 500 calories. I'm excited.

My goal is to be about 238 pounds for the wedding im attending. I believe i can make it. I have to make it. Just found out that my friend can't accompany due to new work schedule. Such is life. Also, for any atheists, agnostics, or hell, any freethinkers out there, if you go to websites for information on religions, please let me know. About to do a research paper on religion. Not for an assignment but because i want to. I believed i put the vid up i watched the other night but if not i'll just do it again. Until later, stay warm and exercise!!

Monday, January 1, 2018

Days 240 and 241


I wish i had got on earlier, but wanted to work out first. I enjoyed "over" eating all the good stuff but time to get back on schedule. I have a wedding in 26 days and this morning i weighed 263.7. However i wrote goals im suppose to fulfill. Just did some dancing the past two hours and did 30 squats, pushups, and situps. Due to my arm feeling pretty bad, ima take a break tomorrow and maybe instead do mountain climbers, dance cardio, and something else...not sure yet. My head is bothering me, so gonna head to bed.

Goals this year: Car, 2 jobs (my youth counseling job and a federal job), buy my family a house, get a boyfriend (yeah, it's on the list), and research information on religion (came across this:, lose weight, get into calistenics, and complete a list of anime. Currently got 3 or 4 more Naruto movies and then I'll start Boruto. I'll try and find the list from last year because i didn't complete it. I will this year. Love you guys! Check me out Tumblr at and let's have a great year!!

Be safe, reach for your new goals, and let that destination be your motivation!! Good night!!