Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Day 8 Part B

Hello people,

well. I'm really really tired. but ima get over on this post. First, I ate half a pita with pb&j and a handful of pretzals for lunch. I made salsa and put that in a pita for dinner (I'll put pic tomorrow) and that resulted in me throwing away the soggy pita and just using a Hawaiian roll. With that, today is the first day I've eaten "bread." After that I decided to get a part of a pastry piece my cousin gave us this morning. I ended up eating about 3 or so pieces. Didn't like that I did that. So, I started drinking my water to fill me up. First mess up, BUT unlike any other time i did dieting and working out, I'm not starting over. Ima keep working hard. I refuse to stop now. Fuck you sweet desserts . I shouldn't have had any until Valentine's day, which is also my mom's bday. So i counted it as 8 days before I messed up, now I challenge myself to wait 2 weeks before eating chocolate. My positives so far:

1. no juice
2. no soda
3. no ice cream
4. no candy
5. have not missed a day to walk/jog
6. have not missed a day to blog

Something else I did today was take a pic of myself in my Akatsuki outfit (for those who watch Naruto) and my birthday shirt. I'll have to post them tomorrow as well. Just keep supporting me to get through...I may even reset my body by just drinking water tomorrow. I just want to get fit this year. Love you all, be safe out there, be safe at those airports, and good night.

Day 8 Part A

Good morning guys,

 so you remember that dinner I made a couple of days ago? well there were 5 food dishes and one of them was the fruit Melody that I made so that is what I just ate for my lunch meal. wonderful also took a 5 minute power walk jog before getting certified in first aid and CPR this morning for my second job. Yay! and I have to take my sister to school so now oll be drinking water and relax when I get back home hope everyone is having a good day.

Monday, January 30, 2017

Day 7 Part C

good evening

I feel really tired and it's been a long day. my side is hurting due to muscle strain. I thought it was because of my kidneys, but i researched it and this is what I saw:

Kidney pain and back pain can be difficult to distinguish, but kidney pain is usually deeper and higher in the back and located under the ribs while the muscle pain with common back injury tends to be lower in the back. Causes of kidney pain are mainly urinary tract infections and kidney stones (Davis, 2017).

so I believe that 2 days ago, since I hadn't done squats in a long time...and decided to do 20 on top of that while working on perfect form as well, it somehow overworked the muscle. So much for trying my best. It has been sore and so I'm going to take a pain reliever and call it a night...might play "birth by sleep" maybe not...hell, I'm going to sleep. Also, gonna give the photo thing another shot...yall should see my face, this hasn't been a "bad" day, but it has been an exhausting day...

Davis, C. (2017). Kidney Pain: Get the Facts About Symptoms and Causes. Retrieved from http://www.medicinenet.com/kidney_pain/article.htm

Day 7 Part B

Hello, it's the midst of the day...I guess...with the sun shining behind my lovely curtain into my room as I play Kingdom Hearts 2.5 remix-Birth by Sleep: Terra's Story. I ate a half of a pita with turkey meat from the spaghetti (no pasta), some chile guacamole, swiss cheese, and lots of lettuce. So fulfilling and was soooo happy to actually read the serving and eat half. I'm growing up. Yay. Well gots to go run some more errands but will be back.

Day 7 Part A

I have to make this a quick post because I have to run errands. But I just walked for 15 minutes in the cold. Determined to not miss a day at all. I did 10 modified push ups on my steps outside, I had my shake beforehand, and I'm about to drink a bottle of water and have an apple when I get back.

P.S. If you cannot see photos I've posted, it's because I didn't know about "hotlinking." I think that's what it is. For anyone that can see this from pixabay, forgive me for that. I will download from now on or use my own photos. Will upload more posts when I get back home. However, I will probably get on tumblr while I'm out if anyone wants to know what I'm looking at today. Be warm.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Day 6 Part C

Well, I already whined to my college advisor about how I'm mad about a late assignment I had to turn in late, so I'm just gonna skip all of that part and just mention everything else. I did my power walk/job tonight for about 5-7 minutes after my 20 jumping jacks and stretching. I'm on my third water bottle and the last thing I ate was a wawa chicken quesadilla. Because my mother mixed the meat and vegetables with the pasta before putting it away, I decided to eat nothing. I was already becoming angry with the homework, so this will be the first night in two night I eat nothing after midnight...hell nothing after 5:15, which was around the time I mentioned the last post. It's okay, I don't have a headache and I'm about to head to bed around 1:15.

Oh yeah, besides visiting my fam in the hospital, something that did make me happy today was the SAG awards. (if you're reading this on tumblr, I know I already posted about it). Just to have the people we deem as celebrities mention how they feel about those at the airports made me really happy because it is televised to millions of viewers and needed to be heard. It's interesting to know now that it's not a "republican vs democrat" type issue, it's a "different types of people do live in america and help make america" type issue. What do you guys think and how do you feel? I'll let you think about it and I'm going to do something for the next 15 minutes. . . good night.

Day 6 Part A and B


Good afternoon people,

This morning I had work, so I made my shake, grabed my water, grabbed an apple and ran out determined to be on time. So far so good I have a slight headache and my side aches so maybe no squats, but I'm definitely walking.

I have homework today and will be visiting my godfam in hospital. I might update with what I want to happen during the week while I'm there.

Feeling blah with this slight headache so not thinking about much. I do have a question. If anyone is doing homeless orgs, or is diong it solo, will you please tell me about it?


I'm at the hospital and my head is sl..sl...slightly hurting. I think it's stress and irritation. I'm on the floor typing this so being at a lower altitude is making it a little better. I had the shake, an apple, and on my way to the hospital I stopped by wawa to gas up and got a chicken quesadilla, which consisted of chicken buffalo sauce, salsa, swiss and pepper jack. My job's temporary store manager just irritated me so damn badly. If he had do the humane thing and called who was supposed to place me, I would have came to the hospital around the time I said I would have and had enough time to go home and grab my laptop to keep up with my blogging. If I don't blog when I prefer I feel like I'm slacking, that's why I time these blogs sometimes. My favorite manager came in asking why I was still there and made the phone call, fixed a mistake that occured with who supposed to come in behind me and then took my place so that I could leave. I think I'm goin gto go to bed early once I finish my homework. Btw, I'll do my walk when I get home, hopefully before 7. In the meantime, hope everyone else's day is going okay.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Day 5 Part B

Good evening ladies and gents,

Let me tell you about my grand day. It was so fucking awesome it made up for yesterday.

I took my walk/jog after my shake. I ate chicken wraps today and about about to eat baked fish with mixed green mom made for spaghetti a few days ago, and a bottle of water. I saw my godfamily this evening. And this afternoon I passed out homeless stuff. Fun stuff: I met a woman, named Ms. Rhonda, in the east end of Rva who passes out a lot of stuff to the homeless and we like bonded for 45 minutes. Then she showed me a mat that a homeless person maid. That shit blew me out the water. Look at the picture (that's her, facebook her at "https://www.facebook.com/groups/337172026651995/ known as Because We Care...Blessing Warriors RVA) Do you see that mat? What do you think it's made of? Yarn right, or cloth material???? No!!!! It's made out of plastic bags...yes, someone crocheted plastic bags in a mat. That is the most brilliant shit I've seen ever and it shows that everyone has a talent. Today was just so wonderful and I still have food to pass out tomorrow. Do something nice for someone else and it will change your day. Have an awesome evening and enjoy anime night (for those of you who know what that is).

Day 5 Part A

Good morning,

So it will definitely be a "better" day than I had yesterday. Yesterday consisted of late walk, mom took sleepy meds so i was stuck watching my nephew while waiting for my sister one in a half hour class to end which resulted in me eating out (healthy chicken wrap), not being able to buy the microfiber mat I wanted, forgot to make an appt with doctor for thyroid meds, left water bottles in car after panicking about not having the yarn to tie in my hair, which I believed fell out my pocket, only to find it later in the same pocket after leaving the hospital from visiting godfamily. Very bad day...

...On to today, I had my Shakeology shake with milk and cap of acai, folded all my clothes, and charging my phone while it's playing kingdom hearts songs. After I take my walk/job, I'll finally be able to go out and pass out nic nacs to the homeless. I haven't been able to in a few weeks due to less funds. Since I was able to get sweets from a church yesterday, I can pass out probably 30 or more wrapped pieces. Also today, for my workout, I will incorporate 20 squats, and increase to 20 jumping jacks, and do my walk/run as usual. Then I get a bottle of water and go out.

**Last night after coming from the hospital, I decided to stop by 7-11 and get me a chicken wrap and plain lays chips. I ate a third of the chips. I then drunk a bottle of water and waited 2 hours before heading to sleep since it wouldn't be on my stomach. I believe I did good with this. Gonna eat some baked fish today, and post about it afterwards.

Friday, January 27, 2017

Day 4 Part C and D


Due to circumstances beyond my control, I still haven’t had my walk yet. I took my sister to school and my mother took one of her muscle relaxers from the hospital, therefore I had to take my nephew with me. His mother was not able to answer the phone, which irritated me (I didn’t know it died at school). Couldn’t walk. Sitting in the college parking lot I was really irritated and debated getting Mcdonalds. After 20 minutes of almost-not-being-able-to-cry-frustration, I ran upon the place Croutons in which I was able to get a blue cheese chicken honey wheat wrap with lettuce and carrots AND a bag of baked lays for my nephew. First real meal in 3 days. I’m okay, I rather had walked first, but at least I had nothing I would regret. I feel much better now. Pic of food down below. Also, my nephew and I split the bag so I didn’t eat the entire thing by myself. Also, he’s 3.

11:59 pm

This has been the worst fucking day ever, I can’t begin to list the shit that went wrong. I’m visiting fam at the hospital now so I’ll have to list the details later. Sorry for the split blog but I wanted to get this in by midnight, which I fucking did not. I’m mad I couldn’t even cry today, that’s what made the entire thing worse. Well, I don’t work tomorrow, and I did walk/jog today. I didn’t get my water in because I left my water by accident in the car going in to work and left my food, so I had to buy two bags of veggie sun chips…btw, the ingredients were okay, nothing major for me to worry about, so still good. But I’ll go into detail later. Hope everyone else’s day was good, cuz mine just fucking sucked.

Day 4 Part B

Hello people,

I didn't want to post yet but I'm helping my sister study for her test today and her correction of words is quite annoying. I speak fluent english so it's not like I don't care, i just DON'T CARE, if you catch my drift. I haven't seen her be a grammar nazi like talking about but we can't really speak on specifics from people's facebooks. Don't get me wrong, a good amount of people suck spelling normal words...I digress, on to positive things

...in the midst of finishing my shake, I'm about to walk in my new bought, thrift store, Nike Alvord 10 shoes. Sooooooo exciting. I'll post a pic of them below. Also, mom is doing okay. Hopefully no more hospital for a while and I'm hoping to visit my Godfamily today as ironically they went to the hospital yesterday too. Everyone seems to be doing okay, I got groceries from church and stores and it's a great start to the weekend. Also, I only post on here my daily blog stuff, if you want to know more stuff I'm into, hop on over to my tumblr page "kawastrong." I'm telling you, if you don't go for me, go for yourself because there is something on tumblr for EVERYBODY!!! (literally put in something you like that no one else does and you will find tons of pages for it). Will post in a few hours.

Day 4 Part A

Good morning, im currently not home and doing adult stuff. Going to drink my bottlw I missed from last night then shake then 15 min walk then for lunch ill probably eat the stir fry I made. Will update when I back at home.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Day 3 Part D


I have been at home with my mom for about 2 hours now and she's okay. Bad tendons in her foot. She goes back for a check up in a few weeks and has meds. Happy about that. I'm also in the midst of doing my homework and have a bottle and quarter of water to go. Won't be done by midnight but will be by the time I hit the bed within the hour, so still good to me. I was irritated when we left the hospital so I bought two apples and ate one. That Gala apple saved me from ruining my routine. Because I am pressed for time, no pic, but I will post in the morning. Night.

Day 3 Part C

Hello. At the moment I'm in the Emergency Room with my mom who's leg is swollen. Up until this point from about 2 or 3 hours past my last post, it has been ridiculous. I fixed a dinner for everything, which I will post a pic of probably within a few hours and I've eaten my apple with guacamole, which has been quite divine. With the way things are going in the house, I don't believe I will be eating the food I wanted to eat tomorrow for fear of overeating or binging and I refuse to take damn steps backwards.

Few positives I can focus on: i get paid tomorrow. A smaller check, but paid nonetheless, and I emailed my professor that my assignment may be late due to me being here.

I still have two water bottles to go and I hope I get them in. Might feel different when I leave the hospital...I think I'll go ahead and put up that pic of dinner. Mind you, I ate none of it, except for tasting my apples. I made fruit melody (apples, dates, bananas, flour, sugar, and milk), wheat pasta,
softened some leftover garlic bread with butter in the oven, and stir fry vegetables with garlic, cilantro, and buffalo chicken sausage. Leftover chicken wings are in the oven in case this wasn't enough or someone wanted an alternative.

Day 3 Part B

Good morning again...

So I decided to go ahead and eat today. I'm not going to let everything ruin my chances of fixing my health. Trying to be buff, fit, and thick lol. But on a serious note, I will do a ten minute vigorous walk and I've already had the shake in the amount of a bottle of water, which consisted of a half a bottle of water, 1/4 scoop of Shakeology, a cap of acai, and filled the rest with whole milk. Shook it up, poured it over ice, and yum. Now that I've waited for a 30 minutes...(I actually was read 15 minutes ago) I'll take my walk and then for lunch I'll eat an apple with possible guacomole...I don't know how that is going to work but I will make it work, and then eat two more apples and 2 more bottles of water.

Happy health trails!!

Day 3 Part A

Good morning

I get up this morning for the umpth time to go into the bathroom to see the bath mat and towel on the floor. They are on the floor to soak up water but then need to be put back up. I was getting irritated so I told my middle sister whoever heard me that when you are done put them back up. She complains talking about she needed it to wash up. That's fine, but then please put it back up. She retorted, "i have put it back plenty of times after yall, it's not just me." Her, her bf, and my youngest sister be getting on my nerves different times throughout the week and I feel like pulling my hair out.This leads me to my possible plan for the day...

Usually I'm ready to jump on my ps3, OR munch on a ton of food. Even though more food at breakfast is better than a ton of food at any other time of the day, I want to stay in control. Always when the challenge of getting healthy eases up, this bullshit pops up. I know no one will answer quick enough in the next hour to tell me how they would handle it so I'll think about it and research it for the next hour. I will either keep up drinking water with a shake today OR start my shake, water, and apple eating. Right now, it feels like I should just drink the water and shake.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Day 2 Part C

Good evening...

Just got off work about an hour ago and I have officially just drank my last bottle of the night. I feel a little woozy, BUT I'm not thinking about food. It such a great feeling, it feels like I can control everything...well I can't control EVERYTHING, but I do feel great in this aspect and I'm about to head to sleep around 12:30 after watching an episode of sailor moon. Then I'll get 7 hours of sleep.

Something good to know is that it should be a priority, and in my opinion, to at LEAST be getting 6 hours of sleep, but SHOULD be getting 8. I started having headaches a couple weeks ago and was taking everything. One day when I got off from work, my now 3 year old nephew was still awake and so I decided to just call it a night with him. It was midnight. I woke up the next day. I had a full 8 hours of sleep. No more headache. So with that in mind, my goal every night is to get minimum 7 hours of sleep. Sleeping helps with so much stuff, and I'll list them tomorrow. Have a good night everyone!!

Day 2 Part B

Good afternoon, 

I have since taken my walk, which lasted 20 minutes, and drank my second drink (or bottle) of water. Feels nice. It's 67 degrees here, sun is shining, and I just have to accommodate my third and 4th bottle of water. I also have training for a job today, so that should be fun. 

I'm digressing, lol, anyway, I'm a grad student so I will work on homework, hope to get a quick 20-30 minute nap in, maybe watch an episode of an anime, and then be ready for training and then work. Friday I'm hoping to go and buy a microfiber mat for my room so that i can do squats, pushups, and sit ups on it. Our house has wooden floors and my rugs aren't cutting it. It's painful, so hopefully it'll feel like a full exercise routine with the mats. I'm so content right now and so excited. Hope everyone has a good...no, a GREAT afternoon!!

Day 2 Part A

Hey guys,

Decided to go ahead and post this morning before I take my walk. Decided today to do a Shakeology drink with milk, water, and a cap of Acai cleanse so I can still keep in consistency with a routine. I decided to do a 1/2 scoop of Shakeology in order to get in some nutrients and calories since I will be drinking 3 more bottles of water for the rest of the day. So far so good. In a few minutes I will be doing a 15-20 walk. For future reference, my stretches pertaining to just walking, will be jumping jacks, stretching my hamstrings, and stretching my thighs.

Something that is bothering me is everyone telling me to go to the doctor. I do plan to go next week if I find a new primary AND i can cover co-pay...but that's a whole other story. My family knows I have hypothyroidism. It happened in college and I got medicated for it. After college, I was out of the regimen of how I was doing things and whatnot. Now, a few years later, I am ready to get my body together, but would appreciate everyone stop telling me to go when they are not going to pay for it. Information wise, thyroid issues can lead to the following (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2017):

  • Fatigue
  • Increased sensitivity to cold
  • Constipation
  • Dry skin
  • Weight gain
  • Puffy face
  • Hoarseness
  • Muscle weakness
  • Elevated blood cholesterol level
  • Muscle aches, tenderness and stiffness
  • Pain, stiffness or swelling in your joints
  • Heavier than normal or irregular menstrual periods
  • Thinning hair
  • Slowed heart rate
  • Depression
  • Impaired memory
So yeah, I know I need to go, just stop badgering me. Once I get the meds I'll continue my regimen, but tweak to take out stuff that may interfere with the meds. If anyone has any experiences similar to mine, comment below, send informative links and I'll update in a few hours.

Mayo Clinic Staff. (2017). Symptoms and causes - Hypothyroidism - Mayo Clinic. Retrieved from http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/hypothyroidism/symptoms-causes/dxc-20155382

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Day 1

Hello everyone and Happy New Year!!!! I am making a first official post about what I accomplished today. First if you are here reading about my weight loss journey this year, then yes you are at the right place. My goals for today were to drink water only and do a walk. I am on my 3rd bottle of water and have one more to go (16-17 ounce bottle). I also put a cap of acai cleanse in each bottle so I can restart my system (body). I just finished a 10 minute walk prior to do some jumping jacks for a warm up and stretched my legs. I would have gone longer but I didn't charge my phone like a dummy, lol. Also, saw a person slow driving for the longest time and decided I would finish my ending stretch inside. I also updated my tumblr page, kawastrong.tumblr, where I put random health stuff up and stuff I generally like. Today is the first day of many days to go and I look forward to conquering each and every one of them.